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isA Event
Acronym ISABEL'08
Title First International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies
Start date Oct 25, 2008
End date Oct 28, 2008
... ...


First International Symposium on
Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies

October 25-28, 2008
Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center
Aalborg, Denmark

Technically sponsored by:
IEEE Denmark

Financially sponsored by:
Dept. of Electronic Systems, AAU
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, AAU
Dept. of Health Science and Technology, AAU
Danish Society for Biomedical Engineering (DMTS)
Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF)
Aalborg Kommune

In cooperation with:
Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

:: Scope

The inter-disciplinary approach is becoming more and more a trend in scientific and engineering communities. This trend is confirmed by the strong connections between two of the most prosperous research areas, biomedical and communication engineering, also with respect to pure sciences (e.g., mathematics and physics), which applied to the former show to be extremely powerful tools. This symposium provides an ideal platform for worldwide engineers and scientists. Indeed, internationally recognized researches and practitioners will share cutting-edge information, address hot issues, explore emerging technologies, exchange and build upon ideas. Particular stress will be put on the current and potential connections between pure sciences, biomedical and communication engineering, highlighting the beneficial synergies among these research areas.

CFP available in pdf format in attachment.

:: Topics of Interest (but NOT limited to)

:: Number Theory Applied to Wireless Communications
:: Game Theory for Flexible Spectrum Usage
:: Optimization Problems for Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management
:: Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Information and Communication Technologies
:: Machine Learning for Cognitive Radio
:: Bio-Nanotechnologies
:: Quantum Communications
:: Mathematics of the Brain
:: Biophysical Modeling
:: Blind Source Separation and Source Identification
:: Wavelets and Multi-Rate Signal Processing
:: Compression of Biomedical Signals and Images
:: Tele Healthcare and Medical Applications
:: Biomedical Sensor Networks
:: Wireless implantable Devices for Neural Interfaces
:: Propagation Models for Wireless Biomedical Applications
:: Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
:: Electromagnetic Impact on Human Body

:: Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit Full Papers (max 5-pages length) in the IEEE conference styles. However, Extended Abstracts (max 2-pages length) will be also considered for publication.

Please submit papers at: All accepted papers will be granted either an Oral Presentation or a Poster Presentation.

:: Important Dates

:: Paper submission deadline:                        25/07/2008
:: Notification of acceptance:                       10/09/2008
:: Camera ready submission:                          25/09/2008
:: Author registration deadline:                     25/09/2008

:: Tutorial proposal submission deadline:            25/07/2008
:: Notification of acceptance:                       10/08/2008
:: Presentation submission:                          25/09/2008
:: Author registration deadline:                     25/09/2008

:: Demo / prototype proposal submission deadline:    25/07/2008
:: Notification of acceptance:                       10/08/2008
:: Author registration deadline:                     25/09/2008

:: Awards

Best Papers and Best Student Papers will be awarded.

:: Dissemination

All accepted papers will be published online on IEEE Xplore. In particular, a selection among the best papers will be recommended for journal publication.

:: Keynote Speakers

Poul G. Hjorth, DTU, Denmark.
Viggo Andreasen, Roskilde University, Denmark.
Lajos Hanzo, Southampton University, UK.
Metin Akay, Arizona University, USA.
Hermie Hermens, Roessingh Research and Development, The Netherlands.

:: Invited Tutorials

Lajos Hanzo, Southampton University, UK: "Near-Capacity Wireless Multimedia Communications".

:: Special Sessions

Information Transfer in Brain-Computer Interfaces.

:: Organizing Committee

Simone Frattasi (General Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark.
Nicola Marchetti (General Co-Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark.

:: Technical Program Committee

Dario Farina (TPC Co-Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark.
Horia Cornean (TPC Co-Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark.
Sanjay Kumar (TPC Co-Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark, and Birla Institute of Technology, India.
Omar Feix do Nascimento (Special Session Chair), Aalborg University, Denmark.

:: Technical Program Committee Members

Bernard Fleury, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Christian Doncarli, IRCCyN, France.
Damjan Zazula, COBSiS, Slovenia.
Francois Bentosela, CNRS, France.
Gheorghe Nenciu, IMAR, Romania.
Hanane Fathi, RCIS, AIST, Japan.
Ivan Cosovic, DoCoMo EuroLab Munich, Germany.
Kevin Englehart, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Kim Knudsen, DTU, Denmark.
Jesper Møller, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Lars Berlemann, Deutsche Telekom, Germany.
Marie-Francoise Lucas, IRCCyN, France.
Muhammad Imadur Rahman, Ericsson Research, Sweden.
Nico Rijkhoff, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Philip Parker, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Roberto Merletti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Samuli Siltanen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Maxime Guillaud, FTW, Austria.
Ted Clancy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA.
Tommaso d'Alessio, University of Rome TRE, Italy.

:: Contact Information

Aalborg University, Niels Jernes Vej 12, 9220, Aalborg, Denmark.
Phone / Fax: +45 9940 8688 / 9815 1583.
E-mail:; URL:


This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP