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isA Event
Acronym ISCN'08
Title 8th International Symposium on Computer Networks
Start date Jun 18, 2008
End date Jun 20, 2008
... ...

ISCN'08 will be a three days stand-alone event in Istanbul, Turkey. 

ISCN'08 is organized by The Department of Computer Engineering at Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

ISCN'08 is technically sponsored by IEEE Communications Society (pending for approval) and TUBİTAK (pending for approval)

The conference will provide a broad forum an outstanding opportunity for researchers, academicians and network engineers to discuss new and emerging technologies in the field of computer networks.

Research papers, which will be refereed, should describe original and significant work in the research and practice of computer networks. Research case studies, empirical research, and experiments are particularly welcome. Topics of interest include, but not restricted to, the following fields:
-	3G/4G networks evolution
-	Convergence/Integration in networks
-	Distributed systems
-	MANETs & sensor networks
-	Multimedia communication 
-	Network management and performance
-	Network security
-	Network traffic engineering
-	Network testbeds 
-	Next generation networks
-	Optical networks
-	Cognitive networks
-	Software defined radio
-	Wireless and mobile networks
-	Wireless and wireline network integration
-	Satellite networks

Best Paper Award
Best paper among young researchers will be selected and an award will be presented to the winner at the conference.

Paper Submissions
Papers must be written in English. Use the sample manuscript as a visual aid for formatting. Preferred maximum paper length is 6 printed pages. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. Paper submission instructions are available at the web site.

Tutorial Proposals
Half-day tutorial proposals are welcome. Tutorials are planned to be held on June 21, 2008.

Contact Address
Please direct your questions to:
Department of Computer Engineering
Bogaziçi University
34342 Bebek Istanbul, Turkey

Paper Submission Deadlines
Full Paper submission		March 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance	May 1, 2008
Camera-ready copy		May 30, 2008
Registration			May 30, 2008

Organizing Committee
M. Ufuk Caglayan, Bogaziçi U., TR, General Chair
Fatih Alagöz, Bogaziçi U., TR, Program Co-Chair
Bülent Yener, RPI, USA, Program Co-Chair
Tuna Tugcu, Bogaziçi U., TR, Finance Chair
Cem Ersoy Bogaziçi U., TR, Awards/Publicity Chair
Abbas Yongaçoglu, U. Ottawa, CA, Tutorial Chair

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP