ISIVC 2010
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ISIVC 2010 |
Title | International Symposium on Image/Video Communications |
Start date | 2010/10/30 |
End date | 2010/10/02 |
Homepage | |
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Following the fourth successful previous events (Rabat 2000, Brest 2004, Hammamat 2006 and Bilbao 2008), the International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks is coming back to Rabat. ISIVC 2010 aims at bringing together the various communities involved in the different aspects of digital image/video processing and digital communication, as well as their interaction. The symposium will be organized by Mohammed V Souissi University (Ecole Normale Supérieure de l’Enseignement Technique-ENSET-) and Mohammed V Agdal University (Faculty of Sciences), with the collaboration of Pole of Competences STIC (Morocco), Institut Telecom/Telecom Bretagne, and IEEE Morocco section.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Image, Video signal processing
- QoS for audio, image and video transmission
- Image/video filtering
- Image, Video signal compression
- Face recognition
- 3D representation/recognition/retrieval
- Content based indexing and retrieval
- Biomedical signal processing
- New methods in signal processing education
- Channel coding for a guaranteed QoS
- Joint source-channel coding (audio, image and video)
- Turbo techniques (coding, detection and equalization)
- Channel characterization and estimation
- Cryptography, watermarking (image and audio)
- Link adaptation for multiuser systems
- Multi-users detection
- Diversity techniques and equalization
- Transmission over fixed and wireless networks
- Network architectures and protocols
- Network security and intrusion detection
- Embedded Systems
- Wireless sensor network
- DSP applications to fixed and wireless systems
- Embedded Real Time Software
- Model driven engineering and model driven development for embedded system and real time system
- Speech processing
- Applications
Prospective authors are invited to submit a full 4-page paper (in pdf format) at the conference web site: Style files (Latex template) will be provided for the convenience of the authors. Only English submissions are accepted.
Important Dates
- Open paper submission: January 11, 2010
- Full paper submission deadline: March 15, 2010
- Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2010
- Submission of camera-ready papers: July 10, 2010
- Early registration due: July 10, 2010
- Main conference: September 30, October 1-2, 2010
- Co-Organizers
- General Co-Chairs
- D. Aboutajdine, LRIT, Morocco
- A. Hammouch, ENSET, Morocco
- PC Co-Chairs
- M. Bakrim, UCAM, Morocco
- A. ADIB, FSTM, Morocco
- Workshop Chair
- S. Saoudi (France)
- M. Daoudi (France)
- American Liaisons
- B. Grosky (USA)
- F. Nouboud (Canada)
- Asian Liaison
- K. Ben Letaif (Hong Kong)
- European Liaisons
- M. Begoña Garcia Zapira (Spain)
- S. Saoudi (France)
- Program Committee Members
- K. Abed Meraim (France)
- K. Afdel (Morocco)
- A. Ammoumou (Morocco)
- A. Badri (Morocco)
- M. Barlaud (France)
- A. Beghdadi (France)
- A. Benazza (TN)
- S. Ben Jebara (Tunisie)
- R. Benslimane (Morocco)
- A. Benzinou (France)
- C. Berrou (France)
- JM. Boucher (France)
- A. Boudra (France)
- A. Bourouhou (Morocco, ENSET)
- F. Castanié (France)
- J.M. Chassery (France)
- H. Cherifi (France)
- P. Comon (France)
- T. Chonavel (France)
- K. Daoudi (France)
- M. Debah (France)
- A. Delbimbo (It)
- R. Deriche (France)
- J.L. Dugelay (France)
- R. El Amrani (France)
- M. Elbadaoui (France)
- M. El Hassouni (Morocco)
- S. El hani (Morocco, ENSET)
- M. Essaaidi (Morocco)
- A. Essadki (Morocco, ENSET)
- G. Eude (France)
- A. Fazzikki (Morocco)
- I. Fijalkow (France)
- F. Ghorbel (Tunisia)
- M. Ghogho (UK)
- Y. Grenier (France)
- C. Gueguen (France)
- F. Guillet (France)
- J. P. Haton (France)
- S. Hemami (USA)
- M. Jaidane(TN)
- H. Ibn El Haj (Morocco)
- A. Khenchaf (France)
- C. Labit (FR)
- X. Lagrange (France)
- M.A. Lagunas (Spain)
- H. Lemaitre (France)
- D. Mammas(Morocco)
- F. Marques (espagne)
- M. Mauny(France)
- A. Mitiche (CA)
- L. Morin (France)
- N. Mouaddib (France)
- J. Najim (France)
- R. Oulad Haj Thami (Morocco)
- F. Pereira (PT)
- D. Pastor (France)
- T. Ebrahemi (Switzerland)
- Ph. Regalia (France)
- M. Rziza (Morocco)
- P. Salembier (Spain)
- A. Sanfeliu (Spain)
- S. Saoudi (France)
- A. Sbihi (Morocco)
- B. Solaiman (France)
- P. Salembier (ES)
- L. Torres (Spain)
- M. Turki (TN)
- A. Tamtaoui (MA)
- S. Ubeda (France)
- S. Vaton (France)
- J. Vidal (ES)
- D. Ziou (Canada)
- M. Zoater (Lebanon)