ISMM 2008

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Acronym ISMM 2008
Title The 2008 International Symposium on Memory Management
Start date 2008/06/06
End date 2008/06/07
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SMM is a forum for research in management of dynamically allocated memory. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: explicit storage allocation and deallocation; garbage collection algorithms and implementations; compiler analyses to aid memory management; interactions with languages, operating systems, and hardware, especially the memory system; memory management related tools; and empirical studies of allocation and referencing behavior in programs that make significant use of dynamic memory. ISMM solicits full-length papers on all areas of memory management. Survey papers that present an aspect of memory management with a new coherence are also welcome.


Submissions will be read by the program committee and designated reviewers and judged on scientific merit, innovation, readability and relevance. Papers previously published or already being reviewed by another conference are not eligible (except see below); if a closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the authors must notify the program chair (see the SIGPLAN republication policy). Authors can submit an abstract for a paper that is under consideration for another venue. However, they can only submit a full paper if the paper is not already being considered or published elsewhere. (The intent of this policy is to allow authors to submit an abstract for a paper that has also been sumitted to PLDI. If the paper is accepted at PLDI, then no paper should be submitted to ISMM and the abstract withdrawn.) [more]

Important dates Abstracts: 16 January 2008 (5pm PST)
Full papers: 23 January 2008 (5pm PST)
Author response period: 3-5 March 2008
Notification: 10 March 2008
Camera-ready copy: 7 April 2008
Conference: 6-7 June 2008

Previous ISMM conferences ISMM 2008 continues the tradition of the successful conference series established with the International Workshops on Memory Management held in 1992 and 1995. Since 1998 ISMM has been held biennially, co-located with either OOPSLA or PLDI, and as of 2007 has switched to an annual conference. Proceedings of the IWMM workshops are available from Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science nos. 637 and 986), while the ISMM proceedings are published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP