ISSI 2009
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ISSI 2009 |
Title | 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics |
Start date | Jul 28, 2009 |
End date | Jul 31, 2009 |
Homepage | |
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The 12th ISSI Conference - ISSI 2009 - will be organized by BIREME/PAHO/WHO (Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization) and co-organized by a list of partner public and private organizations, under the auspices of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), in July 2009, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Previous ISSI conferences took place in Belgium (1987), Canada (1989), India (1991), Germany (1993), USA (1995), Israel (1997), México (1999), Australia (2001), China (2003), Sweden (2005) and Spain (2007).
The ISSI 2009 Conference will provide an international open forum for scientists, research managers and authorities, information and communication related professionals to debate the current status and advancements of Scientometrics theory and applications, with emphasis on the progress of scientometrics and science in developing countries.
The following main subject topics are proposed for the ISSI 2009 edition:
- Scientometrics: state of the art and challenges
- Scientometrics: research and applications
- Scientometrics and the progress of science in developing countries
The conference will bring a key contribution to the socialization of scientometrics in developing countries, particularly within LA&C (Latin America and Caribbean) scientific related community and it will contribute to promote international collaboration.
Target audience
ISSI 2009 is aimed at a broad multidisciplinary audience. It includes researchers, policy-makers, educators, librarians, information science professionals, and students interested in the dynamics of research productivity, scholarly communication networks, information retrieval and evaluation.
Important Dates
Paper (full paper, short communication) and workshop submission deadline Jan. 19th
Paper (full paper, short communication) review deadline announcement Feb. 16th
Poster submission deadline Feb. 23rd
Poster review deadline announcement Mar. 16th
Doctoral Forum submission deadline: Mar. 16th
Doctoral Forum review deadline announcement Mar. 30th