ISSS 2012

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isA Event
Acronym ISSS 2012
Title International Symposium on Services Science
Start date 2012/09/24
End date 2012/09/25
... ...

The International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS 2012), Leipzig, September 25, 2012

Hosted by University of Leipzig, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems Institute, Institute of Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V. Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV)

For the fourth time, the "International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS)" will offer a unique platform for advancing research and discussions in Service Science. In 2012, the ISSS will focus on knowledge intensive business services, also known as Smart Services, and their application in theory and practice. ISSS will be part of the Multi-Conference SABRE (Software, Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, 23rd-25th September 2012) and be held in Leipzig, Germany as a one-day event on the 25th September, 2012.

The organizers invite researchers and practitioners from various connected fields to provide contributions to be included in the conference program. Topics should be in line with one or more of the themes listed below:

- Smart Services in Theory and Practice - Smart Services in High-Tech sectors - Smart Services in Management and Application

Papers may include theories, principles, studies and use cases, or focus on special issues regarding smart services such as e.g. technology support or governance.

Important Dates

   Submission of symposium papers   : June 17, 2012
   Notification of Acceptance       : July 15, 2012
   Final submission and registration: August 19, 2012
   Symposium Date                   : September 25, 2012


ISSS 2012 seeks two types of contributions in English or German with a minimum of 6 pages:

- Full research papers, - Industrial experience papers,

All Submissions will undergo a double blind peer review process. Papers will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. All contributions must be original, not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Please refer to the conference site for detailed instructions on how to submit a paper.

Publishing of accepted works

All research and industrial papers will be published within a series of the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI)/LIV and made publicly available. Selected papers will be invited to create extended versions and submit to special issues of international journals (Electronic Markets Journal, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), International Journal on Service Science, Management, Engineering and Technology (IJSSMET)).

Conference Site

General Chair

- Meyer Kyrill, Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) and University of Leipzig, Germany - Abdelkafi Nizar, Fraunhofer Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (MOEZ), Germany

Organizing Committee Members

- Gerstner Alexandra, Bartsch Sandra, Thieme Michael (University of Leipzig) - Dijk Sandra, Fraunhofer Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (MOEZ), Germany

Program Committee

- Abramowicz Witold, Poznan University of Economics, Poland - Afsarmanesh Hamideh, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Benkenstein Martin, University of Rostock, Germany - Böttcher Martin, ECG Erdgas Consult GmbH, Germany - Böhm Karsten, FH Kufstein Tirol, Austria - Brückner Walter, RKW Deutschland, Germany - Camarinha-Matos Luis M., New University of Lisbon, Portugal - Demirkan Haluk, Arizona State University, USA - Ernst Gerhard, Project Management Agency part of the German Aerospace, Germany - Fischer Werner, KVD Kundendienst Verband Deutschland e. V., Germany - Franco Pereyra Ruben Dario, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain - Fromm Hansjörg, Karlsruhe Service Research Institute, Germany - Ganz Walter, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Germany - Gouthier Matthias, European Business School – EBS, Germany - Karagiannis Dimitris, University of Vienna, Austria - Kijima Kyoichi Jim, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Japan - Kowalczyk Ryszard, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia - Kusiak Andrew, The University of Iowa, USA - Kuusisto Jari, SC-Research, Finland - La Mura Pierfrancesco, HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany - Lightfoot Howard, Cranfield University, UK - Möslein Kathrin, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany - Nüttgens Markus, University of Hamburg, Germany - Posselt Thorsten, Fraunhofer Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (MOEZ), Germany - Sicilia Miguel-Angel, University of Alcalá, Spain - Smits Martin, Tilburg University, The Netherlands - Spohrer Jim, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA - Taurel Wilhelm, Association for Services Management (AFSMI) German Chapter, Germany - Theodoulidis Babis, University of Manchester, United Kingdom - Uhlmann Michael, ATB Arbeit, Technik und Bildung GmbH, Germany - von Wangenheim Florian, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Weinhardt Christof, KSRI - Karlsruhe Service Research Institute, Germany - Weske Mathias, Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering, Germany