ITA 2012

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Acronym ITA 2012
Title 2nd Annual International Conference on Information Theory and Application
Start date 2012/03/12
End date 2012/03/13
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2nd Annual International Conference on Information Theory and Applications

DATE: 12 - 13 March 2012

VENUE: Bangkok, Thailand

ITA 2012 aims to provide an international forum for researchers to present and discuss recent advances and new techniques in information theory and its applications. Original, previously unpublished papers and research contributions are invited. Late-breaking results and early stage research are heartily encouraged.

The Conference Proceedings will be indexed by EBSCO and Crossref, amongst others, where applicable.

Depending on their importance, originality, quality, relevance and other editorial considerations, eligible research articles will be invited for publication in the GSTF International Journal on Computing (JoC). (ISSN: 2010-2283) \\


Prof. the Hon. Dr. Stephen Martin

Member, Board of Governors, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF) Former Speaker Parliament of Australia Former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning) Curtin University of Technology Former Pro Vice Chancellor International, Victoria University


Prof. Douglas Cenzer

Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, USA


Prof. Gautam Sanyal

Professor & Dean Department of Computer Science & Engineering National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India


Prof. Cristian S. Caludel

Chair Professor and Director of the CDMTCS | Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Prof. Sougato Bose

Professor and EPSRC Advanced Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, United Kindom

Prof. Paul Krause

University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Prof. Bin Ma

Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada

Prof Wu Zhanji

Information and Communication Engineering Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication (BUPT)

Dr. Vinod Kumar

Professor & Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India Dr. Anil Mahanta

Professor, EEE Department, I.I.T. Guwahati, India

Dr. Janet Anders

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow | Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, United Kindom

Dr. Debashis Ghosh

Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Computer Engg, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Dr. Abolfazl Bayat

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, United Kindom

Dr Alessio Serafini

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, United Kindom

Dr. Daniel Browne

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, United Kindom

Dr. Jonathan Eccles

Hewlett-Packard, University of London, UK

Dr Kevin Hoo

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Dr. Devendra Tayal

Head of Department, Dept. of Computer Engg., Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, India

Dr Jianfeng Xu

CTO, China Telecom; Co-CTO, Cisco Systems, Inc.


Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF) 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #14-04 Singapore 079903 DID : +65 6327 0166 Fax : +65 6327 0162

For Conference Information For Registration, Accomodation and Visa Assistance