Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | IVPAI2018 |
Title | 2018 International conference on Image, Video Processing and Artificial Intelligence |
Start date | 2018/08/15 |
End date | 2018/08/17 |
Homepage | http://www.ivpai.org |
... | ... |
IVPAI2018 conference proceedings will be published by SPIE, which will be included in SPIE Digital Library, provided to the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science, Scopus, Ei Compendex, and others, to ensure maximum awareness of the Proceedings. The Proceedings of this conference are published in the SPIE Digital Library along with nearly 440,000 papers from other outstanding conferences, SPIE Journals, and chapters from SPIE Press books.
Graphics algorithms and applications
Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images
Database architectures for image retrieval
Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition
Graph theory in image processing
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Software tools for computer graphics
Visual computing and graphics
Image compression, coding, and encryption
Image search
Image and big data processing
Image-based modeling and algorithms
Medical Image Analysi
Digital Signal and Image Processing
Computer animation
Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of Videos
Multi-View, Stereoscopic, and 3D Processing
Database architectures for video retrieval
Video Processing and Analytics
Visual Quality Assessment
Deep learning for Images and Video
Image and Video Analysis for the Web
Machine learning technologies for vision
Intelligent database systems
Knowledge Engineering
Neural net and support vector machine
Hybrid and nonlinear system
Big data
Data mining
Signal processing techniques
Deep learning
Distributed and parallel learning
Human Computer Interaction
Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems
Natural language Processing
Business intelligence
Intelligent agent
Intelligent control
Knowledge management
Visual information processing
Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms
Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing
Particle Swarm Optimization
Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems
Only full papers will be accepted to be published in the conference proceedings, both accepted full papers and abstracts will be invited to give the oral/post presentation at the conference site. Noto: Please choose one way to submit your contributions. Submit your contributions to Electronic Submission System: http://spie.org/submissions/submit/overview.aspx?EventId=2317747 Or you just can submit your paper via email: cfp@ivpai.org