IWCE 2009

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isA Event
Acronym IWCE 2009
Title 13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics
Start date May 27, 2009
End date May 29, 2009
... ...

The workshop covers all aspects of advanced simulation of electronic bandstructure
and transport in solid-state, molecular, and biological nanostructures. Computation of
nano-materials, optoelectronic and organic devices and sensors are also included. The
scientific program consists of invited lectures, contributed talks, and poster
presentations. The workshop is intended to be an international forum for discussions on
the current trends and future directions of computational electronics. The emphasis of
the contributions is on interdisciplinary aspects of computational electronics, touching
physics, engineering, applied mathematics, as well as chemistry and biology. Active
participation of graduate students, including student presentations, is strongly

General Topic Areas

Structure relaxation using first principles calculation and MD (molecular dynamics) �?�
Bandstructure calculation of nanostructures �?� Quantum transport and dynamics of
nanostructures �?� Advancements in TCAD of nano-scaled CMOS �?� Molecular and
bio-electronics �?� Simulation of optoelectronic devices and nano-sensors �?� Monte Carlo
simulation �?� Parallel computing in nanoelectronics �?� Sub-TeraHertz modeling and simu-
lation �?� Simulation of materials and material interfaces.

Abstracts and Proceedings

Contributors must upload a two page abstract in PDF format. Style files for LaTeX and
MS Word are provided on the conference homepage. Accepted abstracts will be publis-
hed in a Book of Abstracts. The authors are encouraged to submit an extended version
of their contribution for the conference proceedings which will be published in the
Journal of Computational Electronics. Both, the two page abstract and the extended
abstract, are subject to peer review.

Important Dates

Abstract submission           15 Jan,  2009
Notification of acceptance    28 Feb,  2009
Early registration             15 Apr, 2009
Extended abstract due          15 Apr, 2009
Conference                 27-29 May,  2009

Conference Chairmen

R.W. Dutton, USA
Z. Yu, China

Program Committee

M. Ancona, USA
M.P. Anantram, Canada
R. Clerc, France
S. Datta, USA
M. Ieong, Taiwan
G. Iannaccone, Italy
C. Jungemann, Germany
K.H. Lee, Korea
E. Kan, USA
I. Knezevic, USA
H. Kosina, Austria
S. Laux, USA
X. Liu, China
S. Odanaka, Japan
Y.J. Park, Korea
G. Samudra, Singapore
E. Sangiorgi, Italy
A. Schenk, Switzerland
M. Stettler, USA
S. Takagi, Japan
Y. Wang, China

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