IWOD 2008

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isA Event
Acronym IWOD 2008
Title 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics
Start date Oct 26, 2008
End date Oct 26, 2008
Homepage www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/iwod2008
... ...

2nd International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD-08)


Workshop Description

This workshop will bring together researchers interested in the field of ontology dynamics, in order to discuss and analyze important characteristics, open research issues and recent research developments on the field. We are interested in advances in the field of ontology evolution, which is the main research area dealing with ontology dynamics, as well as in works that are directly or indirectly related to the problem. Both theoretical research works as well as works describing implemented systems or tools are welcome. 


One of the crucial tasks to be performed towards the realization of the vision of the Semantic Web is the encoding of human knowledge in ontologies using formal representation languages. Creating ontologies is simply the first step; ontologies, just like any structure holding knowledge, need to be updated as well. There are several reasons why an ontology should change: changes could be initiated because of a change in the world being modeled; the users? needs may change, requiring a different conceptualization; knowledge previously unknown, classified or otherwise unavailable may become known; or a design flaw may have been noticed in the original conceptualization. 

In all these cases, the representation of our knowledge in the ontology should be modified so as to form a more accurate or adequate conceptualization of the domain. Such a modification presents several difficulties from both the practical and the theoretical point of view, as it is not always clear what the expected, or desired, result of any particular modification should be, nor how such a result can be determined. 

Workshop Objectives and Topics of Interest

We encourage submissions on all topics related to ontology dynamics, including original theoretical work on the issues involved directly or indirectly with change as well as applications or implemented systems related to such issues. We are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in the following topics: 

	Ontology evolution
	Ontology versioning
	Formal aspects of ontology dynamics
	Foundational issues
	Extensions to ontology languages to better support change
	Belief revision for ontologies and the Semantic Web
	Inconsistency handling in evolving ontologies
	Change propagation in ontologies and metadata
	Ontologies for dynamic environments
	Dynamic knowledge construction and exploitation
	Case studies, software tools, use cases, applications
	Open problems

Workshop Venue and Format

The workshop will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, as part of the ISWC-08 conference (http://iswc2008.semanticweb.org), on 26-30 October 2008.
IWOD-08 will be a full-day workshop, and will consist of an invited talk and regular paper presentations. The organization of a panel or general discussion session prior to the closing of the workshop will be sought.

Submission Guidelines

Only electronic submissions will be considered. All submissions should be submitted in pdf format, as an email attachment to Dimitris Plexousakis (dp@ics.forth.gr). Submissions should not exceed 14 pages and should be formatted according to the LNCS Springer format (http://www.springer.com/east/home/computer/lncs?SGWID=5-164-7-72376-0).

Important Dates

Submission deadline:		July 25, 2008
Acceptance notification:		September 9, 2008
Camera-ready deadline:		September 26, 2008

Organizing Committee
Dimitris Plexousakis (FORTH, Greece) PC co-chair
Jeff Z. Pan (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom) PC co-chair
Mathieu d?Aquin (The Open University, United Kingdom)
Grigoris Antoniou (FORTH, Greece)
Giorgos Flouris (FORTH, Greece)

Tentative Program Committee

The following individuals have confirmed their interest in contributing to this workshop as members of the PC: 
	Grigoris Antoniou
	Alessandro Artale 
	Mathieu d?Aquin
	James Delgrande
	Giorgos Flouris
	Peter Haase
	Zhisheng Huang
	Thomas Meyer
	Guilin Qi
	Heiner Stuckenschmidt
	Holger Wache
	Renata Wassermann

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP