IdentAntiquity 2009

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isA Event
Acronym IdentAntiquity 2009
Title Identity and Identification in Antiquity 2009
Start date 2009/04/07
End date 2009/04/09
... ...
The Department of History of the University of the Antilles and Guyana organises a conference at its Martinique campus. The conference will convene 7 to 9 April 2009, with the deadline for the submission of abstracts on 24 November 2008.

The conference will run under the title:


Submissions should treat the period from early Greece to late antiquity (including early barbarian kingdoms). The conference welcomes contributions by historians, but also specialists in archaeology, literature, philosophy and other connected disciplines, as long as contributions fit the overall conference theme. Contributions by modern scholars on the use of "classical identities" in modern history are also encouraged. We hope to convene a mixed conference of established academics and graduate students. Please see the Call for Papers, available on the conference website, for details on suggested themes.

For detailed information on conference location, fees, accommodation etc.
please also refer to the conference website (up, but currently still in beta status):

Please help us in publicising the conference by distributing this Call for Papers within your institution as well as in relevant networks to which you subscribe or have access. Many thanks in advance.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Martinique next year.

Dr Hartmut Ziche

Department of History
University of the Antilles and Guyana
B.P. 7207
F-97275 Schoelcher CEDEX

Phone: +596 5 96 72 74 70

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP