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Acronym | JIR-NEWR 2008 |
Title | Journal of Information Retrieval special issue on Non-English Web Retrieval |
Start date | N/A"N/A" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation. |
End date | |
Homepage | rea.teimes.gr/lazarinf/NonEnglishWebIR |
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Springer Academic Publishers Journal of Information Retrieval Special Issue on Non-English Web Retrieval Important dates: ------------------- Abstract submission: May 4, 2008 Paper submission: May 11, 2008, 11:50pm Hawaii Standand Time Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 25, 2008 Guest Editors: ----------------- Fotis Lazarinis, Technological Education Institute, Mesolonghi, Greece Jesus Vilares, Department of Computer Sciences, University of A Coruna, Spain John Tait, Information Retrieval Facility, Austria Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, The Information School, University of Washington Contacts: ------------- lazarinf [at] teimes [dot] gr jvilares [at] udc [dot] es john.tait [at] ir-facility [dot] org efthimis [at] u [dot] washington [dot] edu Site: http://rea.teimes.gr/lazarinf/NonEnglishWebIR/ Since its conception, the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) has rapidly become one of the most widely used services of the Internet. Its friendly interface and its hypermedia features attract virtually every computer user around the globe. As a result, the Web has become a dominant global multicultural and multilingual pool of various types of data. Further it continues to grow. Finding information that satisfies specific criteria is a regular daily activity of almost every Web user. Recent Web statistics showed that almost 65% of the online citizens are non-English language users. As the Web population continues to grow, especially in Asia, Africa, and South America, more non-English users will be amassed online. Recent studies showed that non-English queries and unclassifiable queries have nearly tripled in the last decade. The main conclusion from previous research is that most search engine features are primarily focused on the English language. Based on previous studies and on the experiences and conclusions of the iNEWS07 (Improving Non-English Web Searching) ACM SIGIR'07 Workshop, the special issue aims to address the challenges and directions in Non-English Web retrieval. For the special issue we seek high quality papers with theoretical and/or experimental orientation. Topics of interest for the special issue, as applied to Non-English Web searching, include, but are not limited to: * Evaluation * User search behaviour * Query log analysis * Indexing * Information extraction * Summarization * User studies * Retrieval models * Question answering * Natural language processing * Concept based image retrieval * Creation of multi-lingual web collections * Intranet/enterprise search * Text categorization and clustering * Digital libraries * Cross language and multilingual retrieval Submission Instructions: ---------------------------- Submissions must be in English and adhere to the format specified by the journal Information Retrieval. For formatting guidelines please see: JIR formatting guidelines The abstract should be about 250-words in plain text. Include title, author(s) and author(s) affiliations, contact details, and up to five (5) keywords that describe your work. The full paper should be anonymous, and authors should conceal their identity where it is practical to do so. Include a 200-250-word abstract and up to five keywords. The paper should range between 16-20 pages. Both the abstract and the full paper should be uploaded in the Springer paper submission system For Word and LaTeX templates, please click Springer Word and Latex templates Reviewers for the special issue: 1. Alonso, Miguel (Univ. of A Coruña, Spain) 2. Baeza Yates, Ricardo (Yahoo! Research Barcelona) 3. Chen, Zheng (Microsoft Research Asia, China) 4. Dalamagas, Theodore (National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece) 5. de Rijke, Maarten (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 6. Hawking, David (CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia) 7. Huang, Chu-Ren (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) 8. Järvelin, Kalervo (University of Tampere, Finland) 9. Kanaan, Ghassan (Yarmouk University, Jordan) 10. Kando, Noriko (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) 11. Karanikolas, Nikitas (TEI of Athens, Greece) 12. Kuang-hua, Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) 13. Levene, Mark (Birkbeck University of London, UK) 14. Losada, David (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain) 15. Min, Song (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) 16. Nasredine, Semmar (LIC2M/CEA-LIST, France) 17. Ntoulas, Alexandros (Microsoft Search Labs, USA) 18. Ounis, Iadh (Univ. of Glasgow, UK) 19. Pereira, Gabriel (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) 20. Peters, Carol (ISTI-CNR, Italy) 21. Plachouras, Vassilis (Yahoo! Research Barcelona) 22. Rambow, Owen (Columbia University, USA) 23. Savoy, Jacques (Univ. of Neuchatel, Switzerland) 24. Stamou, Sofia (Univ. of Patras, Greece) 25. Sutcliffe, Richard (Univ. of Limerick, Ireland) 26. Vilares, Manuel (Univ. of Vigo, Spain) 27. White, Ryen (Microsoft, USA)
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