LAW II 2008

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isA Event
Acronym LAW II 2008
Title The 2nd Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Start date May 26, 2008
End date May 27, 2008
... ...

Call for Papers

         The 2nd Linguistic Annotation Workshop (The LAW II)
Sponsored by the ACL Special Interest Group on Annotation (SIGANN)
                  Held in conjunction with LREC 2008
                           Marrakech, Morocco

SIGANN Working Groups and Demo/Poster session, afternoon of May 26, 2008
              Paper presentations, full day May 27, 2008

Linguistic annotation of natural language corpora is the backbone of
supervised methods of statistical natural language
processing. Annotation encodes human knowledge about linguistic
phenomena that can be modelled statistically and reproduced by
automatic procedures. This meeting will provide a forum for annotation
researchers to work towards standardization, best practices and
interoperability, as well as to share innovative research in corpus
annotation.  We invite submissions of long and short papers, posters,
and demonstrations relating to all aspects of the linguistic
annotation of corpora.

The workshop will begin with a half-day session (afternoon of May 26) 
devoted to
SIGANN working group sessions on Shared Corpus Annotation and Best 
Practice Guidelines,
together with a poster/demo session. A full-day session (May 27) will 
be devoted to paper presentations.

A separate call for participation in the SIGANN working groups 
sessions on May 26 will be issued,
soliciting annotations of the SIGANN shared corpus and proposals for 
practices/standards in linguistic annotations. We urge members of the 
community interested in
working on any aspect of harmonization of linguistic annotations to 

SUBMISSIONS: Long paper submissions should not exceed 8 pages in
length. Short papers and demo descriptions should not exceed 4
pages. Format requirements will be the same as for full papers of LREC
2008. For details, please consult the submission section on the
workshop website.


Submission deadline:        17 February 2008
Notification of acceptance: 16 March 2008
Camera-ready version due:    3 April 2008
SIGANN Meeting:             26 May (afternoon) 2008
Workshop:                   27 May (full day) 2008

Co-Chairs: Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
           Adam Meyers (New York University)

Organizing Committee: Inderjeet Mani (MITRE Corporation)
                      Antonio Pareja-Lora (SIC, UCM / OEG, UPM)
                      Sameer Pradhan (BBN Technologies)
                      Manfred Stede (Universitat Potsdam)
                      Nianwen Xue (University of Colorado)

Program Committee:

David Ahn (Powerset, USA)
Lars Ahrenberg (Linkoping University)
Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne)
Francis Bond (NICT)
Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK)
Matthias Buch-Kromann (Copenhagen Business School)
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Germany)
Jean Carletta (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Christopher Cieri (Linguistic Data Consortium/University of 
Pennsylvania, USA)
Hamish Cunningham (University of Sheffield, UK)
David Day (MITRE Corporation, USA)
Thierry Declerck (DFKI, Germany)
Ludovic Denoyer (LIP6 - University of Paris 6, France)
Richard Eckart (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)
Tomaz Erjavec (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
David Farwell (Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State 
Alex Chengyu Fang (City University Hong Kong)
Chuck Fillmore (International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley)
John Fry (San Jose State University)
Claire Grover (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Ed Hovy (Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern 
Baden Hughes (University of Melbourne)
Emi Izumi (NICT)
Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Ewan Klein (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Mike Maxwell (University of Maryland)
Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo)
Martha Palmer (University of Colorado)
Manfred Pinkal (Saarland University)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA)
Owen Rambow (Columbia University)
Laurent Romary (MPG-INRIA, France)
Erik Tjong Kim Sang (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Theresa Wilson (University of Edinburgh, UK)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP