Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | LEDSPLaY17 |
Title | Workshop on Linked Enterprise Data Services, Provenance, Linking and QualitY |
Start date | 2017/09/28 |
End date | 2017/09/28 |
Homepage | https://informatik2017.de/ws29-ledsplay17/ |
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Workshop on Linked Enterprise Data Services, Provenance, Linking and QualitY @ INFORMATIK2017
The LEDSPLaY17 workshop brings together scientists, practitioners and domain experts to discuss current issues and new research approaches in the area of Linked Enterprise Data Management. We focus on enterprise and government data management with respect to quality, versioning, evolution and provenance as well as on linking and data fusion of Linked Data. Use cases, trends and ongoing technological developments, as well as current questions and problems from science and practice can be presented to and discussed with a broad specialist audience.
- Data/Information Quality and Policies
- Formal Models for Data Quality
- Data Quality Measurement and Metrics
- Evolution of Data Quality
- Versioning and Co-Evolution of Linked Data
- Provenance Tracking and Exploitation
- Link and Knowledge Extraction
- Corporate Memory and Big Data/Linked Data Integration
- Data Lakes
- Data Curation
- Smart Data Management and Data Fusion
- Corporate Data and Enterprise Application Development
- Requirements and Business Use Cases for Linked Data
- Trend Mining and Analytics
- Open eGovernment Data
- Semantic eCommerce
- Maximum 12 pages (full papers) or 8 pages (short papers)
- PDF, Papers must be formatted according to the LNI format specifications of the GI. Word and LaTeX templates are provided.
- submit at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ledsplay17
- Accepted contributions will be published in the Open Access proceedings of the INFORMATIK 2017.
- At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference and present their work during the workshop.
Important Dates
- submission: 14 May 2017
- notification: 02 June 2017
- conference: 25 to 29 September 2017 in Chemnitz, Germany
- workshop date: 28 September 2017
- details: https://informatik2017.de/ws29-ledsplay17/
- Workshop Chair
- Michael Martin, Leipzig University
- Sebastian Tramp, eccenca GmbH
- Natanael Arndt, Leipzig University
- André Langer, Chemnitz University of Technology
Session 1.1 – Knowledge and Service Management (09:00 – 10:30)
Natanael Arndt; Toralf Kirsten; André Langer; Michael Martin; Thomas Riechert; Leander Seige;
Workshop opening and Impulse Talk
Sebastian TrampRoy Meissner; Marcus Kastner
A mapping approach for configuration management tools to close the gap between two worlds and to regain trust
Natanael Arndt; Norman Radtke
A Method for Distributed and Collaborative Curation of RDF Datasets Utilizing the QuitStack
Jörg Unbehauen; Michael Martin
SPARQL Update queries over R2RML mapped data sources
Coffee break
Session 1.2 – Modelle / Models (11:00 – 12:30)
Jan-Patrick Weiß; Jens Rauch; Jens Hüsers; Jan-David Liebe; Frank Teuteberg; Ursula Hübner
Entwicklung eines Datenmodells für ein umfassendes Forschungsdatenmanagement zur flexiblen Analyse longitudinaler Daten
Thomas Riechert; Edgard Marx
Anwendung des Heloise Common Research Modells in den Digital Humanities und Vorstellung des Projektes Professorale Karrieremuster der Frühen Neuzeit
Toralf Kirsten; Alexander Kiel; Jonas Wagner; Mathias Rühle; Markus Löffler
Selecting, Packaging, and Granting Access for Sharing Study Data
Lunch break
Session 2.1 – Search and Discovery Applications (14:00 – 15:30)
André Langer; Michael Krug; Luis Moreno; Martin Gaedke
Utilizing Linked Data Structures for Social-aware Search Applications
Konrad Abicht; Georges Alkhouri; Natanael Arndt; Roy Meissner; Michael Martin
CubeViz.js: A Lightweight Framework for Discovering and Visualizing RDF Data Cubes
Andreas Varwig; Friedemann Kammler; Oliver Thomas
Smarte Datenintegration durch Benchmarking-as-a-Service – Vorschlag eines Vorgehensmodells zur Entwicklung eines unternehmensübergreifenden Informationssystems mittels Data Envelopment Analysis
Konrad Abicht; Simeon Ackermann; Michael Martin
Discover Barrier-free Accessible Locations with the Location Navigator
Coffee break
Session 2.2 – Prozesse / Processes (16:00 – 17:30)
Marius Politze; Bernd Decker; Thomas Eifert
pSTAIX – A Process-Aware Architecture to Support Research Processes
Andreas Henkel; Danny Ammon; Kutaiba Saleh
Austausch medizinischer Forschungsdaten auf der Basis von IHE: Motivation, Modell, Erfahrungen
Markus Löffler; Hans Binder; Toralf Kirsten; Frank Meineke
Der Leipzig Health Atlas
Discussion: What have Scientific Data Management and Linked Enterprise Data Services in common?
Services · Prozesse · Informationssysteme · Linking · Datenqualität · Provenance