LION 2019
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | LION 2019 |
Title | 13th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization |
Start date | 2019/05/27 |
End date | 2019/05/31 |
Homepage | |
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The 13th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION)
All papers must be submitted using Easy Chair at the following link: LION 13 Submission System (
When submitting a paper, authors will choose the general track or any of the special sessions organized within the conference:
- General track;
- Special sessions.
Authors wishing to submit their paper to a Special Session are asked to include the session title on the first page of their paper (eg. The article is submitted to the special session: <Special Session Title>).
The deadline for ALL the types of submissions and tracks is February 17th, 2019
Important Dates
Paper submission: January 13th, 2019 February 17th, 2019
Author Notification: February 17th, 2019 March 26th, 2019
Camera ready for pre-proceedings: March 17th, 2019 April 7th, 2019
Early Registration until: April 21st, 2019
Late Registration until: May 24th, 2019