LION 2020
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | LION 2020 |
Title | 14th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization |
Start date | 2020/05/24 |
End date | 2020/05/28 |
Homepage | |
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The 14th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION)
- computational and parametric complexity of novel optimization problems and settings, polynomial time and FPT solvable subclasses of known intractable problems, e.t.c.
- polynomial time approximation algorithms with theoretical guarantees and approximation schemes
- asymptotically optimal approximation algorithms
- randomized algorithms and schemes, concentration of measure, sampling and derandomization techniques
- theoretic polynomial time approximability thresholds
- program implementation and empirical evaluation of approximation algorithms
- Healthcare and healthcare delivery
- Logistic in Health
- Health Analytics and Informatics
- Hospital Information System
- Other areas related to healthcare
- Protein structure prediction
- Protein function analysis
- Drug design
- RNAseq and microarray gene expression data analysis
- Gene regulatory network construction
- Revenue management
- Persuasive technologies
- Social networks
- Personalization
- Management
- Marketing
- Smart Tourism Destination
- Tourist Path Optimization
- Forecasting Accuracy and Implications
- Predictive Analysis using AI
- Big Data Analytics for Revenue Management
- Geo-marketing
- Sentiment analysis and application to the hospitality industry
- Big Data Analytics
- Tourism Recommender Systems
- Logistic optimization in tourism networks
- Evaluation of Tourists Satisfaction
- Optimization of tourism impacts
- Robonomics and automation technologies
Paper Format Please prepare your paper in English using the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template, which is available here . Papers must be submitted in PDF. Types of Submissions When submitting a paper to LION14, authors are required to select one of the following three types of papers:
- Long paper: original novel and unpublished work (max. 15 pages in LNCS format);
- Short paper: an extended abstract of novel work (max. 6 pages in LNCS format);
- Work for oral presentation only (no page restriction; any format). For example, work already published elsewhere, which is relevant and which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference.
If you are submitting for a special session, please remember to specify the Special Session number in the title of your submission, like: SUBMITTED TO SPECIAL SESSION NN Submission System: All papers must be submitted using EasyChair (
Important Dates
December 31, 2019: January 31, 2020: Paper submission deadline
February 29, 2020: Author Notification
March 14, 2020: Registration opens
April 15, 2020: Camera ready for pre-proceedings, please use the subject line "LION 14 pre-proceedings source files, paper ID"
May 24-28, 2020: Conference
June 28, 2020: Submission of camera-ready papers, formatted according to Springer's LNCS guidelines