LabPhon 11

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isA Event
Acronym LabPhon 11
Title Laboratory Phonology 11 Conference
Start date Jun 30, 2008
End date Jul 2, 2008
... ...

The organising committee is pleased to announce that LabPhon 11 will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 30 June - 2 July 2008.

Note that this conference will be immediately followed at the same venue by the 5th International Gender and Language Association conference (IGALA5), 3-5 July 2008

The overall theme of the LabPhon 11 conference will be Phonetic detail in the lexicon, with the sub-themes shown below. Invited plenary speakers and commentators are listed against these sub-themes.

    * Accessing the lexicon
      Invited speaker:Keith Johnson, UC Berkeley
      Commentator: Marcus Taft, University of New South Wales
          o How stable are lexical representations?
          o What encoding takes place between the signal and the lexicon?
          o To what degree does literacy/orthography influence lexical representation and access
    * Social information in the lexicon:
      Invited speaker: Paul Foulkes, University of York
      Commentator: Ben Munson, University of Minnesota
          o Is phonetic information in the lexicon accompanied by social information?
          o How do social expectations about a speaker affect speech perception?
          o Is speaker-specific detail stored in the lexicon?
    * Phonetic cues to lexical structure
      Invited speaker: Alice Turk, University of Edinburgh
      Commentator: Laurie Bauer, Victoria University of Wellington
          o To what degree does phonetic detail reflect morphological structure?
          o How are different types of boundaries expressed phonetically?
          o Is there phonetic evidence of lexical entries greater than the word?
    * Generalising over the lexicon
      Invited speaker: Anne Cutler, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics & MARCS laboratory
      Commentator: Karen Croot, University of Sydney
          o Is there evidence for or against the existence of abstract phonological categories?
          o What types of statistical generalisations emerge from the lexicon?
          o What is the nature of the relationship between the content of the lexicon and the shape of the phonological grammar?

Further announcements will be made shortly. Check this site for updates.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP