LangTech 2008 2008
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Acronym | LangTech 2008 2008 |
Title | LangTech 2008 |
Start date | Feb 28, 2008 |
End date | Feb 29, 2008 |
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LANGTECH 2008 February 28-29, 2008 San Michele a Ripa, Rome-Italy After two successful national conferences on speech and language technology (2002, 2006), the ForumTal decided to promote an international event in the field. A follow up of the previous LangTech conferences, LangTech2008 aims at giving a chance to the industrial and research communities, and public administration, to share and discuss language and speech technologies. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, lecture and poster sessions. LangTech 2008 is supported by Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Ministero delle Comunicazioni, and all ForumTal members. Technical Program -------------------- The main technical program will consist of 8 oral sessions, and 4 poster sessions. The main themes are: -HLT application in e-democracy -intelligence -linguistic analysis and web mining -translation and multilingual -document engineering and HLT -future perspective in European HLT research activities -advanced speech and language technologies -robot and complex interaction in HLT -HLT and interfaces standards, solutions and emerging applications in speech and language technology Committees ------------- Organising Committee: Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC-CNR) Khalid Choukri (ELRA-ELDA) Paolo Coppo (LOQUENDO) Mauro Falcone (FUB) Giordano Bruno Guerri (FUB) Dorota Iskra (LOGICA CMG) Gianni Lazzari (FBK-IRST) Bente Maegaard (Copenhagen Univ.) Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS) Andrea Melegari (EXPERT-SYSTEM) Makoto Nagao (Kyoto Univ.) Gianni Orlandi (AURIS) Andrea Paoloni (FUB) Roberto Pieraccini (SpeechCycle) Fausto Ramondelli (Intersteno) Floretta Rolleri (CNIPA) Pasquale Santoli (RAI) Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI) Scientific Committee: Aladdin Ariyaeeinia (Herfordshire Univ.) Paolo Baggia (LOQUENDO) Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC-CNR) Amedeo Cappelli (CELCT) Piero Cosi (IFD-CNR) Franco Cutugno (Naples Univ.) Amedeo De Dominicis (Viterbo Univ.) Renato De Mori (Avignon Univ.) Mauro Draoli (CNIPA) Andrzej Drygajlo (EPFL) Mauro Falcone (FUB) Carmen Garcia-Mateo (Vigo Univ.) Marco Gori (Siena Univ.) Steven Krauwer (Utrecht Univ.) Leonardo Lesmo (Torino Univ.) Giuseppe Mastronardi (Bari Polytecn.) Jan Odijk (Nuance) Maurizio Omologo (FBK-IRST) Javier Ortega-Garcia (UAM) Domenico Parisi (CNR) Maria Teresa Pazienza (Rome Univ.) Giuseppe Riccardi (Trento Univ.) Pierluigi Ridolfi (CNIPA) Luciano Romito (Calabria Univ.) Fabio Tamburini (Bologna Univ.) Salvatore Tucci (Rome Univ.) Guido Vetere (IBM Italia) Local Committee: Cristina Delogu (FUB) Mauro Falcone (FUB) Annalisa Filardo (FUB) Andrea Paoloni (FUB) Consuelo Tuveri (FUB) Stefania Vinci (FUB) Paola Baroni (ILC-CNR) Call for papers ---------------- The LangTech2008 conference is the European meeting where companies, research institutions and public administrations involved in language and speech technologies have a chance to meet and share technical problems and solutions. The conference will feature world-class speakers, exhibits, real-case solutions, and poster sessions. Oral presentation (only by invitation of the Organising Committee) must submit full-length, maximum six-page papers (including figures and references) via the conference website by December 15, 2007. Prospective authors (poster presentation only) are invited to submit full-length, maximum four-page papers (including figures and references) via the conference website by November 15, 2007. Jointly with each paper, a one page summary (about 800 words) to be included in the Proceedings booklet is required. A simple text format (e.g. txt, rtf, doc)is required for the summary. Since the conference takes place early next year, the paper submission deadline is strict and will not be postponed by any significant amount of time. Each corresponding author will be notified by e-mail of the acceptance or rejection of his paper by December 15, 2007. Presenting Papers ------------------- Each paper must have at least one author registered. Also, one of the authors (or a qualified substitute) must be available for discussion at the poster session. Paper submission ------------------ Papers must be in English. Papers must be formatted according to the instructions available in the LangTech2008 Paper Kit. Detailed instructions are available in the "Information for Authors" section in this website. Please note that, for everybody's convenience, we use the same rules and templates as in the Interspeech2007 conference. If this is your first time to submit a paper to such a conference, please read the entire Paper Kit carefully to verify that your paper document is formatted correctly and that you have all the information you need before starting your paper submission. The Paper Kit contains detailed instructions on formatting your document and completing the submission process, as well as a description of how the review process works and how to prepare for your presentation at the conference if your paper is accepted. Online Paper Submission -------------------------- The revision period for accepted papers is from November 15, 2007 until December 15, 2007. Revised papers will not be accepted before or after this period. Authors of accepted paper will be notified by email. A list of accepted papers will be published in the Technical Program section of this website December 15, 2007. Instruction for Paper Submission ----------------------------------- Paper submission will be in digital form only. Detailed instruction for the submission of the final paper according to Paper Kit specification and format will be available later on. Registration ------------ In the online registration form you have several possibilities: -expression of interest (you will be updated by email on news about the conference) -register as participants -submit a paper (at least one author must register) -book a booth (see exhibitor for detailed info and prices) -become a sponsor of the conference (see sponsor for detailed info and prices) After you submit the form, you will receive an email (one for each email address you specified in the form) as receipt. Registration fee includes: participation to all sessions of the conference and exhibition, copy of the proceedings (booklet and DVD), folder and documentation of the conference, two lunches, coffee breaks. A limited numbers of grants for students (15 from Italy, 15 from other EC countries), will be assigned under request. The student that ask for the grant must be introduced by a registered participant (regular, association or public administration), who had to compile the grant request form and send it to the conference secretariat. The deadline for grant request is November 15, 2007 Important dates ---------------- October 15, 2007: early exhibitor registration deadline November 15, 2007: four-page paper deadline (poster sessions) December 15, 2007: notification of paper acceptance December 31, 2007: early registration deadline January 15, 2007: final programme February 28, 2008: Main Conference February 29, 2007: Main Conference
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP