LocWeb 2009

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isA Event
Acronym LocWeb 2009
Title Second International Workshop on Location and the Web
Start date Apr 5, 2009
End date Apr 5, 2009
Homepage ifgi.uni-muenster.de/locweb2009/
... ...

Second International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2009) In
conjunction with CHI 2009, Boston, USA

Call for Papers

Workshop Website: http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/locweb2009/
Position Paper Submission Deadline: October 23, 2008 Submission System:


The goal of the Second International Workshop on Location and the Web
(LocWeb 2009) is to bring together researchers to discuss the ways in which
location as a first-class concept in Web services and Web applications will
transform the Web into a location-aware information system. We are
particularly interested in how location concepts can be shared across
applications to provide adequate support for an evolving ecosystem of
location-aware services and applications.


Location has become an important concept for many Web-based applications, in
particular because of the increasing popularity of mobile Internet access.
So far, however, location concepts are reinvented in many different places
and these diverging concepts make it hard to use location-based services and
data in a truly open way. The Second International Workshop on Location and
the Web (LocWeb 2009) targets the capabilities and constraints of Web-based
location-oriented services, looking at browser-based applications, as well
as at native applications using Web services. The focus of this workshop is
on exploring approaches for handling the complexity of location-based
services and, more specifically, looking at location abstractions, location
sharing, privacy issues, and interface design issues. The goal is to create
a starting point for attaining better understanding of how the Web has to
change to embrace location as a first-class concept and to bring together
key scientists in all participating disciplines in order to stimulate open
discussion. It is our hope that we will be able to achieve increased synergy
of approaches between the disciplines engaged in Web technologies, HCI,
UbiComp, and other related fields.
More directly, we intend to encourage immediate interdisciplinary
collaboration on future research topics.

Position Papers

We are soliciting position papers from researchers and practitioners in the
fields described below. These papers should focus on current projects and
work areas as well as on future work items and collaboration opportunities.
The first half-day will set the stage with a few selected kick-off talks and
an interactive demo and poster session. In the afternoon, we dive into open
discussions to provide a starting point for future collaboration. Each
position paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the program
committee, based on quality, relevance and balance of contributions to the
workshop. All position papers will be published in the LocWeb 2009
electronic proceedings. It is planned to publish revised versions of
selected papers in a special journal issue such as Personal and Ubiquitous

Topic Suggestions

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

    * Empirically based guidelines for location-oriented systems
    * Abstracting, sharing and obfuscating location information
    * Location as place and space as a first-level concept in web-based
services and applications; location syntax and semantics
    * Mobile localized geographic information retrieval; personalization
and localization
    * Extracting and exploiting location in and from Web 2.0 communities
    * Integration of physical affordances of location into Web-based mobile
    * Multimodal and personalized (mobile) user interfaces making use of
location information

Submission Guidelines

Interested researchers should submit a 4-page position paper formatted using
the ACM SIG proceedings style by October 23, 2008 to the workshop management
system at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=locweb2009. Acceptance
notifications will be sent out November 23, 2008. The workshop will be held
April 5, 2009 in Boston, USA. Please note that at least one author of an
accepted position paper must register for the workshop and for one or more
days of the CHI 2009 conference. Workshop fees for participants in 2009 for
a one-day workshop are still to be defined by the CHI 2009 Organizing
Committee. Workshop fees for participants in 2008 (previous
year) were approximately $150 ($75 for a student) for a one-day workshop.

Important Dates

    * Deadline for position paper submission: October 23, 2008
    * Acceptance notification: November 23, 2008
    * Workshop: April 5, 2009 Boston, USA

Organizing Committee

    * Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley, USA (main contact)
    * Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany
    * Keith Cheverst, Lancaster University, UK
    * Peter Fröhlich, Telecommunications Research Center, Austria
    * Ross Purves, University of Zürich, Switzerland
    * Johannes Schöning, University of Münster, Germany

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP