MBSDI 2009

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Acronym MBSDI 2009
Title 2nd International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data Integration (MBSDI 2009)
Start date 2009/04/21
End date 2009/04/24
Homepage cis.cs.tu-berlin.de/Forschung/Projekte/bizycle/mbsdi2009/
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Integration of data from heterogeneous distributed sources, and, at the same time, integration of software components and systems, in order to achieve full interoperability is one of the major challenges and research areas in software industry today, as well as the significant IT cost driving factor.

There is an increasing need and market pressure to systematically address the integration problem, particularly in accidental information infrastructures and IT architectures, that have grown over time in an uncontrolled manner in different enterprise environments.

The reason for the ever growing relevance of software integration is the dynamic nature of todays business operations, where fast enterprise decision making is essential. However, the relevant data and functions, based on which decisions should be made, are distributed over many heterogeneous and autonomous systems. Retrieving this data and processing it, in order to generate the added value services, requires an expensive and tedious software development process. In general, there is no methodology that enables systematic approach to this problem in order to combine business data on demand in an ad-hoc manner. Finally, complexity rises even more with modification and evolution of the (legacy) systems.

The problem of software and data integration has been approached from different perspectives and within different communities. During the last couple of years, several approaches for system integration have profiled and established themselves, such as component-based software engineering (CBSE), service oriented architecture (SOA) or ontology-based semantic integration. They all address parts of the problem domain. However, a unified methodology for software integration is still missing. Model-based software engineering (MBSE) may be the paradigm that can combine the results achieved so far in different fields. MBSE offers not only the methodology but also standardized (meta)tools and platforms for enterprise-wide and cross-enterprise integration of software solutions with the ultimate goal of (semi)automatic generation of business intelligence components.

Our workshop, after the success of MBSDI 2008, will be the second of its kind in the context of the German regional initiative BIZYCLE of collaborative development of methodologies and tools for Model-Based Software and Data Integration. BIZYCLE is a joint effort of software SMEs and science, directly addressing this context, and trying to introduce a strict model-based design, verification, development and evolution methodology. This methodology applies to system integration concepts such as CBSE, SOA or ontology-based integration.

For better synergy, MBSDI 2009 will be co-located with two other relevant event, which complement our focus in this field: ISTA 2009 and ECOMO 2009. All three events will we held under the roof of UNISCON 2009.

Contributions with a strong theoretical and technical background, as well as contributions focusing on domain knowledge and practical /industrial experience, are both welcome. Particularly, software and data integration solutions in the context of health care, facility management, logistics and publishing are welcome, as they coincide with the focus domains of our research initiative. However, this does not exclude quality contributions describing solutions from other application domains, like e.g. automotive or avionics.


Suitable topics include (but are not limited to) the areas listed below:

  • Models and Metamodels in Software Engineering
  • (Meta)Model Layers: CIM(M), PIM(M), PSM(M)
  • Model Management: Model Consistency, Merging and Evolution /Synchronization
  • Model & Artifact Repositories
  • Model Transformation: Languages, Frameworks
  • ECLIPSE-based Modeling Frameworks
  • Meta-Tools, and Tool Integration
  • Component Models and Software Architecture
  • Software Interoperability: Middleware Platforms, Standards & Runtime Environments
  • Integration/Composition of Software Components, Systems & Services
  • Data & Information Integration (Matching, Merging, Federation)
  • Semantic Integration using Ontologies
  • Formal modelling of Software Components
  • Modelling and Characterizing Heterogeneous Component Interfaces
  • Service Oriented Architecture: Concepts for Systems Integration
  • SLA, Negotiation, Orchestration
  • Performance and Dependability Aspects of Data and Software Component Integration
  • Component and Service Interaction Patterns
  • Standards for Software & Information Modeling
  • Software Evolution
  • Model-Based Migration
  • Domain Ontologies in Integration Scenarios
  • Business Processes and Software Integration in Concrete Applications
  • Cross-Enterprise Business Integration/ Collaboration
  • Integrated Domain Applications, as e.g. in the Domains of Health Care, Facility Management, Logistics and Publishing

Programme Committee

(tentative, to be completed)


Authors are invited to submit full papers up to 12 pages describing the results of their research, or of their innovative, practical applications relevant to the conference topics, not having been submitted or published elsewhere.

The program committee will review each paper for its originality, relevance, and clarity.

Papers must be written in English and shall be submitted on-line in PDF format using the LNCS standard paper submission template of the conference. (cf. www.springer.com/lncs) Submissions in any other document format cannot be accepted.

Workshop Proceedings

All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published with a well-known German publisher.


Dr. Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, Dr. Nikola Milanovic TU Berlin, CIS, Germany Phone: +49 30 314 23555 / 23556 / 23557 Fax: +49 30 314 21601 Email: rkutsche@cs.tu-berlin.de, nmilanov@cs.tu-berlin.de

WWW: http://cis.cs.tu-berlin.de/Forschung/Projekte/bizycle/mbsdi2009/index.html

Important dates

  • Abstract Submission: October 08, 2008, 12 p.m. GMT+1
  • Paper submission: October 17, 2008, 12 p.m. GMT+1
  • Acceptance notification: December 08, 2008
  • Camera ready submission: January 16, 2009
  • Registration:
  • Workshop Venue: University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • Workshop Date: April 21-24, 2009