MDM 2009

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Acronym MDM 2009
Title The 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Mangement (MDM'09): Systems, Services and Middleware
Start date 2009/05/18
End date 2009/05/21
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Since the debut in December 1999, the MDM series of conferences has established itself as a prestigious forum for the exchange of innovative and significant research results in mobile data management. The conference provides unique opportunities for researchers, engineers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore new ideas, techniques, and tools, and to exchange experiences.

In the past decade, we have witnessed significant advances in wireless communications and mobile technology, along with continuous appearance of versatile mobile gadgets and rapid growth in sensors and actuators. Meanwhile, high-precision outdoor and indoor positioning technology has become mature and available. A global, pervasive computing infrastructure that may profoundly change the way people live and work is emerging. Mobile and pervasive computing and communication are enabled at an unprecedented scale and density.

All these technological developments are expected to bring us a next wave of information revolution and change our society. However, as we move a step closer from mobile computing towards the grand vision of pervasive and ubiquitous computing, a number of challenges need to be overcome, especially when it comes to data-intensive applications: scale, variable and intermittent connectivity, location dependence and context awareness, bandwidth and power consumption, device size limitations, and multimedia delivery across hybrid networks.

Conventional issues in data management have to be reconsidered and reevaluated in this rapidly changing environment. Non-traditional issues including mobility, data semantics, context modeling, broadcast and multicast delivery, data availability, trust and privacy must also be addressed effectively. Additionally, starting from 2009, MDM will extend its scope to cover research issues in mobile systems, services and middleware.

Conference Scope

The scope of this conference includes but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Adaptability and stability of pervasive computing systems
  • Context-aware computing and location-based services
  • Data management in wireless networks
  • Data management in sensor and mobile ad hoc networks
  • Data management in mobile peer-to-peer networks
  • Data mining for mobile applications
  • Data presentation, scripting and exchange languages
  • Data replication, migration and dissemination in mobile environments
  • Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks
  • Indexing and query processing for moving objects
  • Location and mobility semantics
  • Location tracking of vehicles and moving objects
  • Metadata management and exchanges
  • Mobile access to the Web
  • Mobile agents
  • OS and middleware for mobile and pervasive computing
  • Publish-subscribe approach in mobile computing
  • Quality of service issues for data-intensive services
  • Query processing and optimization for mobile users
  • Resource advertising and discovery techniques
  • Security and privacy issues for ubiquitous systems
  • Theoretical foundations of data-intensive mobile computing
  • Transactions and workflows in mobile environments
  • User interfaces and usability issues form mobile applications

Paper Submissions

The conference invites original, unpublished submissions, not exceeding 10 pages in IEEE camera-ready format. Submissions in PDF are to be uploaded to the conference web-based submission system at

Industrial/experience papers, Ph.D. Forum presentations, as well as proposals for panels, demos, seminars, and workshops are also sought. Submission instructions will be made available on the conference homepage.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: 10/25/2008
  • Paper submission: 11/01/2008
  • Notification: 2/01/2009
  • Camera ready: 3/15/2009


  • Industry Chair
  • Workshop Chair
  • Best Paper Award Chair
  • Seminars Chair
  • Ph.D. Forum Chair
  • Exhibition Chair
  • Financial Chair
  • Local Organizing Co-Chairs

  • Program Committee Members