MICA 2008

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isA Event
Acronym MICA 2008
Title Milestones in Computer Algebra 2008
Start date May 1, 2008
End date May 3, 2008
Homepage www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/mica2008
... ...

Keith Geddes received his PhD in 1973 from the University of Toronto under the supervision of John C. Mason. Since that time, as a professor at the University of Waterloo, his research has spanned the areas of numerical approximation, algebraic algorithms for symbolic computation, hybrid symbolic-numeric computation and the design and implementation of computer algebra systems. He is perhaps best known as co-founder of the Maple computer algebra system. Through his teaching, research and software, the work of Keith Geddes has touched millions of individuals.

In honour of Keith Geddes' 60th birthday, the 40th year of his scientific career and the 20th anniversary of the founding of Maplesoft, a conference will be held 1-3 May 2008 near Scarborough, Tobago.

The conference will feature invited talks by well known figures in the computer algebra world as well as contributed talks selected by the program committee.
Invited Speakers

The following speakers have confirmed their participation:

    * Jim Cooper (Maplesoft, Canada)
    * Gaston Gonnet (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
    * Michael Monagan (Simon Fraser U., Canada)
    * Joel Moses (MIT, USA)
    * Peter Paule (RISC Linz, Austria)
    * B. David Saunders (U. Delaware, USA)
    * David Stoutemyer (U. Hawaii, USA)
    * Jan Verschelde (U. Illinois at Chicago, USA)

Call for Papers

Contributions of original research in areas related to Keith Geddes' career or of related historical interest (or both) are invited. Extended abstracts of 4-5 pages should be submitted by 22 February 2008 to http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mica2008. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 21 March 2008. All accepted papers will be made available on an informal proceedings CD to be distributed at the conference.

A special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation is planned to follow the conference. We invite full versions of conference papers or new papers in the spirit of the conference to be submitted to JSC for refereeing by 1 September 2008. Papers should be submitted by E-mail to either Mark Giesbrecht or Stephen Watt.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

    * algebraic algorithms for symbolic computation
    * hybrid symbolic-numeric computation
    * numerical approximation
    * symbolic summation and integration
    * the design of symbolic computation libraries and systems

Important Dates:

    * Extended abstracts due: 22 February 2008
    * Notification: 21 March 2008
    * Conference: 1-3 May 2008
    * Journal paper submission: 1 September 2008

Program Committee

    * Jacques Carette (McMaster U., Canada)
    * Robert Corless (U. Western Ontario, Canada)
    * James Davenport (U. Bath, UK)
    * Jürgen Gerhard (Maplesoft, Canada)
    * Mark Giesbrecht, Chair (U. Waterloo, Canada)
    * Laureano Gonzalez Vega (U. Cantabria, Spain)
    * Hoon Hong (North Carolina State U., USA)
    * Erich Kaltofen (North Carolina State U., USA)
    * George Labahn (U. Waterloo, Canada)
    * Ziming Li (AMSS Academia Sinica, China)


There is a registration fee for participation in the conference. Early registration is USD 200 for students and USD 300 for others. Late registration costs 50% more.

Participants may register via the conference registration page http://www.scg.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/mica2008/MICARegForm.shtml.

The conference will be held at the Grafton Beach Resort, located about eight kilometers from Scarborough, the capital of Tobago, and about eight kilometers from the Crown Point international airport.

The conference venue and nearby hotels are pinpointed on the following map: http://www.beachdestinations.com/Maps/Tobago_Map.aspx.

Accommodation is available at the Grafton Beach Resort or the neighbouring Le Grand Courlan Spa Resort (minimum age 16), as well as other Tobago hotels.

The room rate at the Grafton Beach Resort for MICA participants is USD 168 per adult per night. This rate is "all-inclusive", including accommodation, meals, refreshments (excluding premium wine and champagne), entertainment, taxes and gratuities. Accompanying children 4 years old or under are free, from 5 years to 12 years are 50% of the adult rate, and 13 or over are charged as adults. Participants can make reservations directly with the hotel. To receive the USD 168 rate, you must ask for the MICA 2008 conference rate. In particular, we have negotiated that there will not be a single occupancy surcharge for MICA 2008 participants.

    * Telephone: +1-868-639-0191
    * Fax: +1-868-639-0030


There are international airports at Port-of-Spain on the island of Trinidad and Crown Point on the island of Tobago. There are frequent low-cost flights between these two airports (for example on Caribbean Airlines about every 45 minutes).

Sample round trip airfares (as of 1 January and subject to change) are shown below.

Origin 	Destination 	   	Airline 	Fare
Toronto 	Port-of-Spain 		Air Canada 	CAD 680
London 	Port-of-Spain 		British Airways	GBP 680
Atlanta 	Port-of-Spain 		American Airlines	USD 363
New York JFK 	Port-of-Spain 		Caribbean Airlines	USD 411
Port-of-Spain	Tobago 		Caribbean Airlines	USD   48

It is advisable to book travel and hotel early as the Plymouth Jazz Festival attracts many people to the island.

Conference Links:

    * Conference web site: www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/mica2008
    * Abstract submission site: www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mica2008
    * Registration page: http://www.scg.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/mica2008/MICARegForm.shtml

Neighbouring Events:

    * Symbolic Computation and Cryptography (28-30 April, Beijing): www.cc4cm.org/scc2008
    * Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra (5-7 May, Waterloo): www.cargo.wlu.ca/wwca2008
    * Plymouth Jazz Festival (25-27 April, Tobago): www.tobagojazzfest.com

Organizing Committee

    * General Chair: Stephen Watt (Stephen.Watt@uwo.ca) (U. Western Ontario, Canada)
    * Program Committee Chair: Mark Giesbrecht (mwg@cs.uwaterloo.ca) (U. Waterloo, Canada)
    * Sponsorship Chair: George Labahn (glabahn@cs.uwaterloo.ca) (U. Waterloo, Canada)
    * Publicity Chair: Ilias Kotsireas (ikotsire@wlu.ca) (Wilfrid Laurier U., Canada)
    * Treasurer: Jim Cooper (Maplesoft, Canada)
    * Local Arrangements:
      Bal Swaroop Bhatt (Bal.Bhatt@sta.uwi.edu) (U. West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago)
      David Jeffrey (djeffrey@uwo.ca) (U. Western Ontario, Canada)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP