MLSP 2008

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isA Event
Acronym MLSP 2008
Title IEEE Workshops on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Start date Oct 16, 2008
End date Oct 19, 2008
... ...

The workshop will feature keynote addresses, technical presentations, special sessions and tutorials that will be included in the registration. Tutorials will take place on the afternoon of 16 October, and the workshop will begin on 17 October. The two areas of concentration for MLSP 2008 are cognitive radio and kernel methods for nonlinear signal processing. Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:

Algorithms and Architectures: Artificial neural networks, kernel methods, committee models, Gaussian processes, independent component analysis, advanced (adaptive, nonlinear) signal processing, (hidden) Markov models, Bayesian modeling, parameter estimation, generalization, optimization, design algorithms.

Applications: Speech processing, image processing (computer vision, OCR) medical imaging, multimodal interactions, multi-channel processing, intelligent multimedia and web processing, robotics, sonar and radar, biomedical engineering, financial analysis, time series prediction, blind source separation, data fusion, data mining, adaptive filtering, communications, sensors, system identification, and other signal processing and pattern recognition applications.

Implementations: Parallel and distributed implementation, hardware design, and other general implementation technologies.

For the fourth consecutive year, a data analysis and signal processing competition is being organized in conjunction with the workshop. The goal of the competition is to advance the current state-of-the-art in theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing domains. The problems are selected to reflect current trends, evaluate existing approaches on common benchmarks, and identify critical new areas of research. Previous competitions produced novel and effective approaches to challenging problems, advancing the mission of the MLSP community. A description of the competition, the submissions, and the results, will be included in a paper which will be published in the proceedings. Winners will be announced and awards given at the workshop.

Selected papers from MLSP 2008 will be considered for a special issue of The Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology, to appear in 2009. The MLSP technical committee may invite one or more winners of the data analysis and signal processing competition to submit a paper describing their methodology to the special issue.


Submission of full paper: 	May 5, 2008
Notification of acceptance: 	June 16, 2008
Camera-ready paper and author registration: 	June 23, 2008
Advance registration before: 	July 1, 2008

Paper Submission Procedure

Prospective authors are invited to submit a double column paper of up to six pages using electronic submission procedure (opens February). Accepted papers will be published in a bound volume by IEEE after the workshop and a CDROM volume will be distributed at the workshop.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP