MNPSC 2008
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Acronym | MNPSC 2008 |
Title | IEEE International Workshop on Methodologies for Non-functional Properties in Services Computing |
Start date | Jul 8, 2008 |
End date | Jul 8, 2008 |
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== CALL FOR PAPERS == IEEE International Workshop on Methodologies for Non-functional Properties in Services Computing (MNPSC) In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2008) In cooperation with Object Management Group July 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii (This workshop will take place in one day of July 8 to 11.) Workshop's Aim: In services computing, it is critical to better identify, specify, implement and manage non-functional properties separately from functional properties. Well-managed separation/synthesis of functional and non-functional properties can significantly improve reusability, maintainability, composability and performance of service- oriented applications. This workshop aims providing an opportunity for both academic researchers and industry practitioners to present, discuss and access the state of the art and practice of engineering non-functional properties in services computing. Topics of interest are listed below; however, submissions on all non-functional aspects in services computing are welcome. Topics of Interest: * Individual non-functional properties/requirements (e.g., QoS, security, fault tolerance, messaging, reliability, availability, service discovery, service orchestration/composition, data integration and data retention) in various (enterprise to embedded) service-oriented applications. * Methodologies to map non-functional requirements and properties * Non-functional properties/requirements in requirements engineering * Non-functional properties/requirements and business process/rule engineering * Architecture description languages, service description languages, modeling languages and domain-specific languages for non-functional properties/requirements * Object-oriented and aspect-oriented techniques for non- functional properties/requirements * Model-driven engineering for non-functional properties/ requirements * Software development process and non-functional properties/ requirements * QoS monitoring/provisioning and service level agreements for non-functional properties/requirements * Regulatory compliance and non-functional properties/ requirements * Ontology frameworks for non-functional properties/requirements * Middleware support for non-functional properties/requirements * Tool support to separate/synthesize functional and non- functional properties * Theoretical foundations/tools for non-functional properties/ requirements * Industrial experience and standardization on non-functional properties/requirements Important Dates: Abstract due: March 7 Paper due: March 14 Notification: April 4 Camera ready due: April 18 Paper Submissions and Presentations: Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not longer than 8 pages with 10pt or 11pt font. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers. Email your abstract and paper to both program chairs with the subject line of "IEEE MNPSC." At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper. Best Papers and Book Chapter Promotion: This workshop will select best papers. With substantial extensions, they will be promoted to chapters of a book in the "Advanced Web Services Research and Practices" book series (IGI Publishing). Workshop Co-Chairs Jun Suzuki Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts, Boston jxs at cs . umb . edu Katsuya Oba OGIS International, Inc. oba at ogis-international . com
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