MS 2009

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isA Event
Acronym MS 2009
Title 3rd Workshop on Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics
Start date Dec 14, 2009
End date Dec 16, 2009
... ...

--- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions has been extended to July 27, 2009

3rd Workshop on Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina
San Diego, California, USA
December 14-16, 2009

The 3rd Workshop on Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics will be a one-day
workshop to be held during the IEEE International Symposium on
Multimedia (ISM?09, It will take place in
Dec. 2009 in San Diego, USA.


Information is increasingly becoming ubiquitous and all-pervasive, with 
the World-Wide Web as its primary repository. Especially in the field of 
multimedia, the Web gains more and more importance. Many broadcasters 
maintain compulsory online video archives and, for instance, in January 
2009, YouTube had more than 100 million viewers in the U.S. Altogether, 
multimedia represents a significant share of HTTP traffic and multimedia 
consumption represents a significant share of user intentions on the Web.

This will be a one-day workshop to be held during ISM?09. Besides the
standard research contributions, there will also be a poster session and
a session devoted to the presentation of results from current Ph.D.
students, as well as a keynote talk. Based on last year?s workshop, the
keynote will include discussions of necessary research agendas which
will bring together important subsets of the research communities
working on multimedia semantics, the Semantic Web, and Web 2.0. Best
papers of this workshop will be published in IEEE Multimedia.

List of Topics

We welcome all papers relevant to topics in multimedia semantics,
including those at the confluence of multimedia information management,
the Semantic Web, and Web 2.0, such as,

     * Computational semiotics
     * Conceptual clustering
     * Emergent semantics in the social web
     * Event representation and detection
     * Folksonomies in social media sharing
     * Genre detection
     * Industrial use-cases and applications
     * Intelligent browsing and visualization
     * Media ontology learning
     * Media mining in the social web
     * Modeling and recognition of visual objects and actions
     * Multimedia management and consumption in communities
     * Multimedia extraction and social annotation
     * Multimedia ontologies for the social web
     * Multisensory data integration and fusion for decision making
     * Perception and cognition in the context of Web 2.0
     * Semantic metadata for mobile applications
     * Semantics enabled multimedia applications (including search,
       browsing, retrieval, visualization) for the social web
     * Social networking
     * Spectral methods
     * Standards for the social web
     * User interfaces

Important Dates

     * 11:59 PM EST, July 27, 2009 - Submissions due
     * August 20, 2009 - Acceptance notification
     * September 25, 2009 - Camera-ready papers due


For further information. informal requests or questions please contact
the workshop organizers:

     * Farshad Fotouhi, Wayne State University, USA, 
     * William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn,USA,
     * Mathias Lux, Klagenfurt University, Austria,
     * Peter Stanchev, Kettering University, USA,

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP