MTEL 2008

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isA Event
Acronym MTEL 2008
Title The Third IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning
Start date Dec 15, 2008
End date Dec 15, 2008
... ...

               The Third IEEE International Workshop on
             Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning (MTEL)
            A workshop held in conjuction with the

       The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2008)

		             December 15-17, 2008
                            Berkeley, USA

                           Call for Papers

Due to its potential to make learning easier, more convenient, and more
effective, education is one of the preeminent areas of applications for

Video capturing of lectures to produce e-learning content has
become common practice.  Simulations allow to explore experiments
which would be too expensive or too dangerous to be conducted physically
by students.  Multimedia-powered demonstrations are freed from many
physical restrictions such as the availability of an object to study
or the timescale of an effect to observe. Teaching enriched by vivid
presentations and possibility for interaction for students can also gain
from improved learner's motivation.  Concepts may be given perceivable
existence in a demonstration and the observability of important details
can be augmented.

Quality control and learning processes with feedback loops are considered 
to be important concepts for more effective and sustainable e-learning solutions. 
Multimedia technologies facilitate the evaluation, improvement, and assurance 
of quality in loopback controlled e-learning processes. Multimedia feedback 
from individual and collaborative learning processes is essential for loopback 
control, spanning from human feedback on e-learning processes, computer-generated 
multimedia feedback, feedback concerning the transition from traditional to 
multimedia content (including authoring processes), and meta-feedback. 
The goals are the online adaptation of a multimedia e-learning system, 
the improvement of the quality of the next version of such a system, 
or the integration of the quality feedback in the teaching/learning process 
(e.g., in a university course).

Most of these topics involve techniques from artificial intelligence,
computer vision, multimedia, but also human computer interaction,
and psychology.  This workshop aims at bringing together researchers
who are interested in this intersection area between the technological
point of view and the human-centered view. The topics include but are
not limited to:

   - Automated lecture recording and presentation techniques
   - Automated lecture analysis and indexing
   - Classroom note taking and whiteboard capturing and analysis
   - Automated analysis of learning and teaching interactions
   - Repositories for multimedia education
   - Multimedia information retrieval for educational use
   - Intelligent searching and navigation in e-learning portals
   - Interactive computer-based training
   - Simulations, animations, and virtual laboratories in teaching
   - Virtual reality and augmented reality in education
   - Multimedia authoring software for e-learning
   - Implicit and explicit learner feedback 
   - User Tracking 
   - Quality measures and assessment 
   - Scaffolding 
   - Support for multimedia authoring processes with feedback loops

Workshop Proceedings
 The workshop solicits regular technical papers of up to 6 pages
 (IEEE double-column format). Workshop papers will be official
 publications of IEEE which will be included in IEEEXplore and also be
 available as printed workshop proceedings.

 A number of selected papers will be invited for extension and
 publication in a special issue of ITSE (International Journal
 of Interactive Technology and Smart Education) published by
 Troubador, UK.

Submission Details:
 Papers must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any
 other conference or journal. Papers should be submitted in electronic
 form (PDF) to the organizers at
 Submissions must be formatted according to the 8.5x11 inch double
 column IEEE CS proceedings format and must not exceed 6 pages. For
 downloading instructions and templates, go to the Author Forms web
 page of the IEEE Computer Society:

 Please do not send Word documents! Please do not hesitate to email the 
 workshop contact if you have any questions.

Important Dates:
 Submission?due: 			July 13, 2008 
 Notification: 			August 28, 2008 
 Camera-Ready?version?due: 	September 15, 2008

 Oliver Brdiczka, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), USA
 Lars Knipping, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
 Nadine Ludwig, Berlin Technical University, Germany

Program Committee:
 Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Austria
 Helmar Burkhart, University of Basel, Switzerland
 Paul Dickson, University of Massachussets, USA
 Wolfgang H?rst, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
 Sabina Jeschke, University of Stuttgart, Germany
 Ulrich Kortenkamp, P?dagogische Hochschule Gm?nd, Germany
 Ying Li, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
 Marcus Liwicki, University of Bern, Switzerland
 Robert Mertens, Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany
 Thomas Richter, University of Stuttgart, Germany
 Anna Marina Scapolla, University of Genova, Italy
 Nalin Sharda, Victoria University, Australia
 Georg Turban, Darmstadt Institute of Technology, Germany
 Dominique Vaufreydaz, Universit? Pierre-Mendes, France
 Debora Weber-Wulff, FHTW Berlin, Germany
 Peter Ziewer, Munich Institute of Technology, Germany

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP