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Acronym | MWSCAS 2008 |
Title | IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems |
Start date | Aug 10, 2008 |
End date | Aug 13, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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MWSCAS is the oldest Circuits and Systems conference sponsored by the IEEE. The conference will include regular and special sessions on emerging electronic systems and design methods, plenary sessions on selected advanced aspects of the theory, design and applications of electronic systems, as well as tutorials given by experts on specific topics including but not limited to: * CS1: Analog Filters * CS2: Amplifiers and Comparators * CS3: Data Converters * CS4: RF, Microwave Circuits * CS5: Digital Circuits * CS6: SoC and VLSI * CS7: CAD and layout * CS8: Verification * CS9: Embedded Systems and Electronics * CS10: Reconfigurable Computing * CS11: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems * CS12: Power Electronics * CS13: Optics and Photonics * CS14: Bioengineering Circuits and Systems * CS15: MEMS/NEMS * CS16: Digital Signal Processing * CS17: Special Sessions Submission The submission procedure for papers, proposals for tutorials, special sessions and exhibits will be found on this Web site, and must follow the guidelines and templates given. The selection committee will give high preference to 4 page manuscripts that clearly present the work, methods, results, originality, significance, superiority and applications of the techniques discussed. If the paper is selected, authors will be invited to submit a revised 4 page manuscript to be included in the proceedings. Nominations will be solicited for the Myril B. Reed best paper award. Students are encouraged to participate in the best student paper award contest. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings subject to advance regular registration of at least one of the authors. Authors Schedule Submissions Deadline Date 4-page paper submission March 24, 2008 (extended final deadline) Tutorial proposals March 24, 2008 Special sessions proposals February 18, 2008 Special sessions invited papers submission April 18, 2008 Exhibits proposals March 21, 2008 Submission of final 4 pages manuscript May 22, 2008 Conference Pre-registration May 31, 2008 Receipt of copyright form (accepted papers only) May 31, 2008 Notifications Date Tutorial accepted proposal May 9, 2008 Paper acceptance May 9, 2008 Special session accepted proposal March 24, 2008
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