MobiDE 2008

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isA Event
Acronym MobiDE 2008
Title 7th ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
Start date Jun 13, 2008
End date Jun 13, 2008
... ...

This is the seventh of a successful series of workshops that aims to act
as  a bridge  between the  data management,  wireless  networking, and
mobile computing communities.

The  1st MobiDE  workshop  took  place in  Seattle  (August 1999),  in
conjunction with MobiCom  1999; the 2nd MobiDE workshop  took place in
Santa Barbara  (May 2001), together  with SIGMOD 2001; the  3rd MobiDE
workshop  took place  in  San Diego  (September  2003), together  with
MobiCom  2003; the  4th MobiDE  workshop was  held in  Baltimore (June
2005).In 2006, MobiDE was organized in Chicago, IL (June 2006) and last 
year it was held in Beijing, China (June 2007). Since 2005, the event  
has been collocated with the annual SIGMOD conference. This year,
MobiDE 2008 is sponsored by ACM SIGMOD and held in co-operation with 
ACM SIGMOBILE (pending approval).

The workshop will  serve as a forum for  researchers and technologists
to discuss the state-of-the-art,  present their contributions, and set
future directions in data management for mobile and wireless access.

The topics of interest related to mobile and wireless data engineering
include, but are not limited to:

* ad-hoc networked databases
* consistency maintenance and management
* context-aware data access and query processing
* data caching, replication and view materialization
* data publication modes: push, broadcast, and multicast
* data server models and architectures
* database issues for moving objects: storing, indexing, etc.
* m-commerce
* mobile agent models and languages
* mobility-aware data mining and warehousing
* mobile database security
* mobile databases in scientific, medical, and engineering applications
* mobile peer-to-peer applications and services
* mobile transaction models and management
* mobile web services
* mobility awareness and adaptability
* pervasive computing
* prototype design of mobile databases
* quality of service for mobile databases
* sensor network databases
* transaction migration, recovery and commit processing
* wireless multimedia systems
* wireless web

The workshop  will be organized  in a manner that  fosters interaction
and  exchange   of  ideas  among  the   participants.   Besides  paper
presentations,  time  will be  allocated  to  open discussion  forums,
informal discussions or panels.  In addition to regular papers, vision
or work-in-progress papers that have the potential to stimulate debate
on existing  solutions or  open challenges are  especially encouraged.
Proposals  for panels  on newly-emerging  or controversial  topics are
also especially welcome.

Abstract Registration:       Wed, March 19, 2008 (midnight EST)
Regular Paper Submissions:   Wed, March 26, 2008 (midnight EST)
Notification of acceptance:  Wed, April 30, 2008
Camera-ready version due:    Wed, May   14, 2008
Workshop date:               Fri, Jun   13, 2008
The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM. Electronic versions
of the papers will be included in the ACM DL and DiSC'08.

All of the submissions will be handled electronically. Each paper will
be   reviewed   by   at   least   three   members   of   the   program
committee. Detailed  submission information will be posted  on the web
site of the workshop.

Full research papers should be formatted in the ACM proceedings format
and be at most 8 double-columned pages in 9pt font.


General Chairs: 

Alex Delis
Dept. Of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens 

Vladimir I. Zadorozhny
School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

Program Chairs:
Yannis Kotidis 
Dept. Of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business

Pedro Jose Marron
Institute of Computer Science IV, University of Bonn

Publicity Chair

Demetris Zeinalipour
School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Open University of Cyprus


Ugur Cetintemel,                Brown University
Panos K. Chrysanthis,       University of Pittsburgh
Christian Jensen,              Aalborg University
Alexandros Labrinidis,       University of Pittsburgh
Dik Lun LEE,                    HKUST
George Samaras,              University of Cyprus

Walid Aref, Purdue University, USA
Magdalena Balazinska, University of Washington, USA
Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany
Claudio Bettini, University of Milan, Italy
Stefan Bottcher, University of Paderborn, Germany
Antonios Deligiannakis University of Athens, Greece
Minos Garofalakis, Yahoo! Research and UC Berkeley, USA
Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
Birgitta Konig-Ries, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, Germany
Vijay Kumar, University Of Missouri, Kansas-City, USA
Mong Li Lee, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Hua Lu, Aalborg University, Denmark
Claudia Lucia, Roncancio Lab. LSR-IMAG/University of  Grenoble, France
Silvia Nittel, University of Maine, USA
George C. Polyzos, AUEB, Greece
Yannis Theodoridis, University of Piraeus, Greece
Vasilis Vassalos, AUEB, Greece and University of California, San-Diego, USA
Stratis D. Viglas, University of Edinburgh
Vana Kalogeraki, University of California, Riverside, USA
Alexandros Labrinidis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Xiaofeng Meng, Renmin University of China, USA
Bernhard Mitschang University of Stuttgart, Germany
Anirban Mondal, University of Tokyo, Japan
Vladimir Oleshchuk, University of Agder, Norway
Evi Pitoura, University of Ioannina, Greece
Simonas Saltenis, Aalborg University, Denmark
Timos Sellis, IMIS-R.C. Athena and NTUA, Greece
Jianwen Su, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Nesime Tatbul, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Goce Trajcevski, Northwestern University, USA
Vassilis Tsotras, University of California, Riverside, USA
Jun Yang, Duke University, USA
Wai Gen Yee, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Arkady Zaslavsky, Monash University, Australia
Demetris Zeinalipour, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP