Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | NASSUE 2010 |
Title | Second International Workshop on Network Assurance and Security Services in Ubiquitous Environments |
Start date | 2010/10/12 |
End date | 2010/10/12 |
Homepage | |
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- Availability, dependability, survivability, & resilience issues in UE
- Authentication, Authorization, Access control & ID management in UE
- Redundancy, fault-tolerant models, and failure prevention of UCS
- Trust modeling and management in UE
- Risk assessment and management in UE
- Network security issues and protocols in UCS
- Cryptographic protocols and key management in UCS
- Cross-layer design for security mechanisms
- Network control technologies for NA.
- Novel threat, attacks, vulnerabilities, countermeasures
- Reverse engineering of malicious code
- Intrusion detection, IDS / IPS in UE
- Anonymity, user privacy, and location privacy in UE
- Content protection and DRM for UCS
- System/network management techniques and strategies in UE.
- Network forensics and fraud detection
- Surveillance and Privacy-enhancing technologies in UE
- Adaptive and Autonomic security for UCS
- Role of biometrics in UE
- NAS issues in e-commerce, e-government, e-health
- NAS business models and NAS implementations in UE
- Specification, design, development, and deployment of NAS mechanisms
- Models, architectures, protocols for NAS
- Standards, guidelines and certification for NAS in UE
- Formal methods and software engineering for NAS
- Legal, ethical and policy issues related to NAS in UE
- Proactive approaches to NAS
- New ideas and paradigms for NAS in UE
chashm maa say mikonim hamatn ye usere jadid peidaa konim va addresesho baratun bezaarim,albate age kheili ajale daashte baashid va hosele khodetunam mitunid tu saitaaye faarsi begardid va ye seri user. peidaa konid vali mamulanhar chand vaght ye baar ghateshun mikonano baayad donbaale ye taazash baashim mamnun az tazakoretun.
Important Dates
- Full Paper Due: May 31, 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: July 16, 2010
- Final Camera-Ready Due: July 30, 2010
- Co-Organizers
- Workshop Chair
- Binod Vaidya, Inst. of Telecom, Portugal
- Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Central Police Univ, Taiwan
- Joel Rodrigues, Inst. of Telecommunications, Univ of Beira Interior, Portugal
- International Advisory Committee
- Dimitrios Makrakis, Univ of Ottawa, Canada
- Pascal Lorenz, Univ of Haute Alsace, France
- Publicity Chair
- Surya Nepal, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
- Program Committee Members
- Binod Vaidya, Univ of Ottawa, Canada
- Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Central Police Univ, Taiwan
- Joel Rodrigues, Inst. of Telecommunications, Univ of Beira Interior, Portugal
- ByungRae Cha, GIST, Korea
- K. P. Chow, Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Jiankun Hu, RMIT, Australia
- Min-Shiang Hwang, National Chung Hsing Univ, Taiwan
- Seungjoo Kim, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Korea
- Chae Hoon Lim, Sejong Univ, Korea
- Surya Nepal, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
- Antonio Nogueira, Univ of Aveiro, Portugal
- Khaled Salah, King Fahd Univ of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
- Ning Zhang, Univ of Manchester, UK
- Bidi Yang, Univ of Ottawa, Canada