ODS 09

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isA Event
Acronym ODS 09
Title International Workshop on Open Design Spaces supporting User Innovation
Start date 2009/03/02
End date 2009/03/02
Homepage www.coeud.de/workshop/opendesignspace
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"End-users, as owners of problems, bring special perspectives to collaborative design activities that are of special importance for the framing ofproblems. The 'symmetry of ignorance' requires creating spaces and places that serve as boundary objects where different cultures can meet. Boundary objects serve as externalizations that capture distinct domains of human knowledge, and they have the potential to lead to an increase in socially shared cognition and practice." (Fischer, 1999)

The successes of Wikipedia, Yahoo! Pipes or the whole Firefox Ecosystem are examples of the enormous extent of Social Creativity and User Innovation. Active communities of users in the role of co-designers are more important than ever before. This demand will be amplified by the current trend of evolutionary software design (in Web 2.0 terminology also known as perpetual beta) where systems are the subject of continuous development with a constant participation of its users. These underlying socio-technical trends create the opportunity of designing new and innovative spaces for participation. Therefore, challenges need to be faced with the aim to tap the full potential of the social creativity of an active community of co-designers. We call this vision the development of Open Design Spaces supporting User Innovation where people with different interests and cultural backgrounds can meet.

Recently, enterprises, communities and organizations discover this new way of thinking as a chance to set up new ways of end user integration. By empowering end users and providing spaces for communication and collaboration, User Innovation could lead to economical advantages in product innovation and quality improvement and to new business models such as Chesbrough's Open Innovation paradigm (Chesbrough 2003) or Howe's crowdsourcing phenomenon (Howe 2006). These organizations need to develop concepts and methodologies to manage end user integration and face the upcoming challenges.

However, in establishing Open Design Spaces, new questions of accessibility and mediation also arise. Hence, these spaces and places serve as a structure, having a social, organizational and technical face. Asking for the design and appropriation of such objects, the workshop will take up one of the core questions of socially oriented End User Development: How tosupport the self-organization of an active community of co-designers andhow to win users to become co-designers including aspects such as user acceptance, quality improvement, efficient processes and economic benefits.


Interconnected by these common interests in creating places and space foruser involvement, the related concepts differ in several dimensions, e.g.:

  • Who participates and how is participation legitimated?
  • What design activities should be supported - creating ideas, creatingsolutions?
  • What are the roles, incentives and motivations of the participants?
  • What are the underlying ideas and how are they realized in concrete (social & technical) systems and methodological approaches?
  • How to evaluate / validate user participation / contributions?
  • How to deal with specific challenges such as long-term or massively distributed approaches?
  • How to manage and integrate user participation in business?

Therefore, one major interest of the workshop is the cross-fertilization of the different perspectives on the topic, identifying similarities and differences, deducing common patterns, 'best' =20 solutions and, last but notleast, discussing new opportunities of designing Open Design Spaces in the times of Web 2.0 and beyond.

Relevant research areas and target communities include (but are not limited to)

  • (Distributed Participatory Design)
  • (Virtual) Living Labs
  • Meta-Design and Open Systems
  • Community Engagement and User Innovation
  • Lightweight Participation and Collaboration
  • Global Software Development
  • Open Source and Agile Development


Full papers (8-12 pages), position papers (4-6 pages) and tool demonstrations (3-4 pages) are equally welcome for the workshop. Contributions should be formatted according to the ECSCW template and submitted in PDF format. The workshop proceedings will be published as a volume of the International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI) (ISSN 1861-4280). Further information regarding the submission process will be announced on the workshop website at http://www.coeud.de/workshop/opendesignspace.


  • 15th January 2009: Paper submissions
  • 1st February 2009: Notification on acceptance
  • 15th February 2009: Camera-ready version
  • 2nd March 2009: Workshop