OSC 2020

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isA Event
Acronym OSC 2020
Title 7th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science
Start date 2020/03/11
End date 2020/03/12
Homepage https://www.open-science-conference.eu/
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The Open Science Conference 2020 is the 7th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science. The annual conference is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science.


  • Innovations to support open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities.
  • Scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society.
  • Open science education and science communication to the broad public.

Call for Poster Presentations

We invite you to submit project presentations and other contributions covering topics including (but not limited to):

Recent innovations to support open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities Empirical studies and use cases about the scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society Best practices dealing with open science education and science communication to different target groups in the broad public.

Call for Speakers

Carefully selected plenary talks given by international experts are an essential part of the conference programme. Speakers are invited by the programme committee. With this call we invite you to apply for a plenary talk at the conference. Talks should address Open Science aspects on a broader level and cover topics including (but not limited to):

  • Resume on open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities
  • Overview on existing research on the scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society
  • Overview on open science education and science communication to different target groups in the broad public

Important Deadlines

  • Abstract submission deadline: 11 October 2019
  • Notification of acceptance / rejection: 9 December 2019
  • Final submission of abstract: 17 January 2020
  • Submission for free poster printing service (optional): 14 February 2020
  • Final submission of poster and short talks: 28 February 2020
  • Conference date: 11-12 March 2020, Berlin, Germany