PerSys 2008

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isA Event
Acronym PerSys 2008
Title Third International Workshop on Pervasive Systems
Start date Nov 9, 2008
End date Nov 14, 2008
... ...

Third International Workshop on Pervasive Systems (PerSys'08)

09 - 14 November, 2008
Monterray, Mexico

In conjunction with OnTheMove Federated Conferences (OTM'08)

Proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS

We are pleased to announce the third International Workshop on 
Pervasive Systems, targeted at researchers in mobile, pervasive computing 
and related fields, computer scientists, students and IT professionals. 
The workshop will give participants a broad and deep understanding of 
the multitude of issues involved in the design, implementation and 
evaluation of pervasive systems with a particular emphasis on the 
state of the research in the area and the availability of tools.


Topics of interest may include one or more of the following (but are not 
limited to) themes: 

- Software infrastructure, middleware, agent technologies and frameworks 
- Device technologies 
- Communication technologies 
- Sensor networks and RFIDs 
- Location sensing and management 
- Context-aware computing 
- Privacy, security and trust 
- Pervasive services 
- Attentive environments 
- Programming paradigms 
- User interfaces and interaction models 
- Mobile and wireless systems and services 
- Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation techniques 


Abstract Submission Deadline: 	        July 7, 2008 
Paper Submission Deadline:		July 7, 2008 
Acceptance Notification:		August 15, 2008 
Camera Ready Due:			August 25, 2008 
Registration Due:			August 25, 2008 OTM 
Conferences:				November 9 - 14, 2008


Papers submitted to PerSys must not have been accepted for publication 
elsewhere or be under review for another workshop or conference.
All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, 
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. 
All submissions must be in English. Submissions should be in PDF format and 
must not exceed 10 pages in the final camera-ready format. 
The final proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as 
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 
Author instructions can be found at: 

The paper submission site is located at

Failure to comply with the above formatting instructions for 
submitted papers will lead to the outright rejection of the paper 
without review. 
Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically 
excludes a paper from the proceedings. 


Authors of selected papers from PerSys08 will be invited to submit an 
extended version of their paper for possible publication in the 
Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. A fast-track review system will 
be used, thus enabling a fast turnaround.


Program Chairs:

Skevos Evripidou
University of Cyprus

Roy Campbell
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Operations Chair:

Anja Schanzenberger
University of Applied Sciences Augsburg


- Susana Alcalde Baguees, Siemens AG Munich, Germany 
- Xavier Alam?n Roldan, Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid, Spain 
- Jalal Al-Muhtadi, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
- Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany 
- Michael Beigl, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany 
- Alastair Beresford, Cambridge University, UK 
- Roy Campbell, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, (PC Chair) 
- Antonio Coronato, Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking, Italy 
- Thanos Demiris, Intracom S.A Telecom Systems, Greece 
- Hakan Duman, British Telecom, UK 
- Skevos Evripidou, University of Cyprus, (PC Chair) 
- Alois Ferscha, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria 
- Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA Institute, France 
- Patricia Grifoni, Istituto Di Ricerche, Rom, Italy 
- Alex Healing, British Telecom, UK 
- Bob Hulsebosch, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands 
- Sergio Ilarri, University of Zaragoza, Spain 
- Cornel Klein, Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Technologies, Germany 
- Nik Klever, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany 
- Irina Kondratova, National Research Council, Canada 
- Andrew Rice, Cambridge University, UK 
- Philip Robinson, SAP Research CEC Belfast, UK 
- George Samaras, University of Cyprus 
- Anja Schanzenberger, Uni. of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany, (Operations Chair) 
- Gregor Schiele, University of Mannheim, Germany 
- Behrooz Shirazi, Washighton State University, USA 
- Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, UK 
- Verena Tuttlies, University of Mannheim, Germany 
- Valerie Issarny INRIA Institute, France 
- Gregory Yovanof, Athens Information Technology, Greece 
- Apostolos Zarras, University of Ionnanina, Greece 
- Arkady Zaslavsky, Monash University, Australia

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP