Policy 2008

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isA Event
Acronym Policy 2008
Title IEEE Policy Workshop 2008
Start date Jun 2, 2008
End date Jun 4, 2008
Homepage www.policy-workshop.org/2008
... ...

The policy workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on policy-based systems across a wide range of application areas including policy-based networking, privacy and security management, storage area networking, and enterprise systems. POLICY 2008 is the 9-th in a series of successful workshops which since 1999 have provided a forum for discussion and collaboration between researchers, developers and users of policy-based systems. This year, in addition to the latest research results from the communities working in any area of policy-based management and computing, we encourage contributions on policy-based techniques in support of management and security of all types of wireless networks: cellular, Wi-Fi, Mobile Ad Hoc, hybrids, etc.

POLICY 2008 invites unpublished novel contributions on all aspects of policy-based management. This year, as part of the technical program we also plan a special session devoted to the demonstrations of innovative policy based systems. Papers must describe original work and must not have been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will be evaluated for technical contribution, originality, and significance. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Policy Models and Languages:

    * Abstract models and languages for policy specification
    * Representing policies in XML, RDF, and OWL
    * Semantic Web rule languages for policy reasoning
    * Policy standards, their extensions and refinements
    * Formal semantics of policies
    * Relationships between policies, both going vertically from policies for IT processes to policies for IT devices, and crossing horizontally through multiple application domains
    * Methodologies and tools for discovering, specifying, analyzing, refining, and evaluating policy
    * Models of policy negotiation
    * Representation of belief, trust, and risk in policies
    * Systems and tools for the management of policies
    * Policy visualization

Policy Applications:

    * Case studies of applying policy-based management in different application domains
    * Application of policies for resource allocation, autonomic computing, systems management, QoS adaptation, security
    * Application of policies for identity and privacy management
    * Policy based networking, including collaborative security, pervasive computing, and mobile systems
    * Business rules and organizational modeling
    * Identity management
    * Personalization
    * Risk adaptive policy systems
    * Database policies
    * Policy applications in on-demand, utility based computing
    * Resource virtualization and policy-based collaboration

Policies in Wireless Networks:

    * Service management in mobile ad hoc networks
    * Policy systems for small devices
    * Policy-based spectrum management
    * Privacy and security
    * Policies in location based services
    * Context-aware policies in pervasive and mobile computing

System demonstration submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their technical merit and novelty. Of particular interest are systems that illustrate research contributions and innovative applications of policy based technologies. Those interested in demonstrating a system/application should submit a description following the instructions in the System Submission Section. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing activities are not appropriate.

Important Dates
Paper Registration deadline: 15 December 2007
Paper submission deadline: 21 December 2007
Author notification: 5 March 2008

System demonstration submission deadline: 3 March 2008
System demonstrator notification: 17 March 2008

Camera ready copy for both technical papers and system demonstrations due: 1 April 2008
Workshop dates: 2-4 June 2008

Paper Submission Information
Papers under review elsewhere must NOT be submitted to Policy 2008.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society and submissions must be in IEEE Proceedings format (http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm).
Policy 2008 invites contributions in the form of either:

    * Technical papers (max. length 8 pages)
    * Short position papers describing preliminary experimental results, experiences with deployed policy systems, new applications or new policy research challenges (max. length 4 pages)

We particularly encourage contributions from industry in the form of long or short papers.

System Demonstration Submission
To be considered for a system demonstration contributors are invited to submit a two page system description (non including references) following the IEEE Proceedings format. Descriptions of accepted demonstrations will be included in the workshop proceedings. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP