RASEP 2011

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Acronym RASEP 2011
Title First International Workshop on RATIONAL, SECURE AND PRIVATE AD-HOC NETWORKS
Start date 2011/10/17
End date 2011/10/21
Homepage http://onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/rasep2011
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Call for Papers

RASEP 2011


Crete, Greece, Oct 17-21, 2011 (exact date to be announced)

http://onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/rasep2011 co-located with OTM 2011


A rational network can be defined as a network in which rational (self interested) participants have no reason to deviate from the actual network intended purposes (critical or not). To this regard, the exploration of social phenomena is under consideration as a major foundation for encountering the enforced necessity of cooperation in self-organized ad-hoc environments. Such environments are characterized by rational selfish participants and the absence of trusted third parties. Recent approaches apply evolutionary social-inspired games and techniques to formally prove the existence and maintenance of cooperation patterns within digital communities. The spirit of this workshop is to gather researchers and experts in wired and wireless networks but also from other disciplines like economics, biology, psychology and sociology, having an interest in this type of formal reasoning about behaviour, cooperation and evolution of ad-hoc networks. The workshop intent is to bring together the most novel research findings and the latest advances in ad-hoc network formal analysis.


The goal of this workshop is to collect current advances in formal methods and techniques, applied to the study of ad-hoc and self-organized networks which are heavily dependent on the cooperation of the nodes involved. Such formal frameworks must serve to reason about one or more aspects related to node behaviour, node nature, node interactions, node security, node privacy, network lifecycle, network performance, network security, network privacy, etc.

This workshop will focus on the formal validation of both, new or already existing security and privacy enhancing network protocols. The proposed formalisms could be specific to a particular type of network (Manet, Vanet, P2P, Wireless, Sensor, Social, etc.) or they could conform a more global framework in which to study common network and node features. Furthermore, within the scope of this workshop are any works on the formal analysis of ad-hoc network evolution over a period of time or at a particular single point in time. The proposed frameworks can be of different nature, based on Game Theory, Evolutionary Game Theory, Graphs Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Equivalence Checking, Model Checking Theorem, Formal Languages, Formal Logics, etc.


Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Formal models based on game theory or evolutionary game theory.
- Applications of evolutionary algorithms for the study of ad-hoc and self-organized networks.
- Formal framework for the study of critical networks and communications.
- Biological foundations and self-adaptation techniques.
- Evolutionary strategies based on Bayesian networks.
- Congestion and routing games, dynamic topology formation in networks.
- Incentive mechanisms, rational resource allocation.
- Equilibrium, evolution and stability network analysis.
- Privacy and security in rational networks.
- Rational energy management of sensor nets.
- Formal models based on graphs.
- Formal study of Trust-based networks.
- Models based on incentives or coalitions schemes.

Important Dates

  • Workshop Abstract Submission Deadline: June 22
  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: July 06
  • Acceptance Notification: August 08
  • Camera Ready Due: August 22
  • Author Registration Due: August 22


All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the program committee, based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. Submissions must be in English. Papers should not exceed 10 pages in the final camera-ready format. Papers will be allocated 30 minutes for presentation. Only electronic submissions in Adobe PDF format are acceptable.

Paper submission site: http://onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/submitpaper The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in their LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series. The final paper (if accepted) should be formatted using the Springer LNCS style, as described at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Failure to commit to presentation at the workshop automatically excludes a paper from the proceedings.

Steering Committee

(In alphabetical order)

Almudena Alcaide (Ph.D.) University Carlos III of Madrid. Computer Science Department. Security Group (www.seg.inf.uc3m.es/almudena) E-mail: aalcaide@inf.uc3m.es

Naoki Masuda (Ph.D.) The University of Tokyo. Graduate School of Information Science and Technology. Mathematical Engineering No.4 Laboratory. E-mail: masuda@mist.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Esther Palomar (Ph.D.) University Carlos III of Madrid. Computer Science Department. Security Group (www.seg.inf.uc3m.es/esther) E-mail: epalomar@inf.uc3m.es

Arturo Ribagorda (Full Professor) University Carlos III of Madrid. Computer Science Department. Security Group (www.seg.inf.uc3m.es) E-mail: arturo@inf.uc3m.es

Yan Zhang (Ph.D.) Simula Research Laboratory. Oslo. Norway. E-mail: yanzhang@simula.no

Program Committee

(In alphabetical order)

Almudena Alcaide (Carlos III University, Spain) Ali E. Abdallah (London South Bank University, UK) Francis Bloch (Ecole Polytechnique, France) Clemens Cap (University of Rostock, Germany) David W. Corne (Heriot Watt University, UK) Luís Correia (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) Muddassar Farooq (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan) Katsuhide Fujita (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) Ana Isabel Gonzalez-Tablas (Carlos III University, Spain) Hisashi Handa (Okayama University, Japan) Verena Heidrich-Meisner (Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany) Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University, Japan) Sebastian Kaune (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany) Javier López (University of Málaga, Spain) Jorge L. Hernández-Ardieta (INDRA, Spain) Naoki Masuda (University of Tokio, Japan) Jesper Buus Nielsen (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Agustín Orfila (Carlos III University, Spain) Esther Palomar (Carlos III University, Spain) Clara Pizzuti (Universita` della Calabria, Italy) Benjamín Ramos (Carlos III University, Spain) Fenghui Ren (University of Wollongong, Australia) Arturo Ribagorda (Carlos III University, Spain) Anabela Simões (Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal) Juan M.E. Tapiador (University of York, UK) Massimo Vecchio (University of Vigo, Spain) Yan Zhang (Simula Research Lab., Norway)

For more information on the workshop, please contact: epalomar@inf.uc3m.es aalcaide@inf.uc3m.es