RFIC 2020

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isA Event
Acronym RFIC 2020
Title IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium
Start date 2020/08/04
End date 2020/08/06
Homepage https://rfic-ieee.org/
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The IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) 2020


  • Reconfigurable Radio & Wireless Connectivity Systems-on-Chip
  • Low Power Transceivers
  • mmWave Communication Circuits and Systems-on-Chip
  • Radar, Imager, and Sensor Systems-on-Chip
  • Transmitters and Power Amplifiers
  • Front-End Circuits
  • Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits
  • Oscillators and Frequency Synthesizers
  • Device Technologies, Packaging, Modeling, and Testing
  • Emerging Circuit Technologies
  • RFIC System Applications (NEW this year)


This first document provides guidelines and instructions for preparing and submitting your draft presentation by Wednesday, 10 June 2020 deadline. By following these guidelines and instructions, your presentation should provide a rewarding experience to both you and your colleagues in the audience. The second document, to be provided to all authors on Friday, 12 June 2020, gives guidelines and instructions for providing a video recording to be attached with your presentation. This recording is due on Wednesday, 8 July 2020. You are required to carry out the following mandatory steps. Please read the entire document before you begin creating your presentation.

1. Create your presentation using the revised RFIC2020 PowerPoint template available on the RFIC webpage. Please pay special attention when embedding fonts and multi-media content, as described in detail later in this document. The use of vu-graphs, 35 mm slides, or other hard media for presentations is NOT allowed at RFIC2020.
2. Save your presentation using the specified file nomenclature, both as PowerPoint (.pptx) and Portable Document Format (.PDF). Each of these files cannot exceed 4 MB in size.