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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | RMITUP 2009 |
Title | Design Research with RMIT University Press: Call for Proposals |
Start date | Jan 1, 2000 |
End date | Jan 1, 2000 |
Homepage | |
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Our aim is to promote the publication of design research. Design is a core activity in many disciplines, yet there are few publishers who specialise in design-driven research. Research can be conducted through designing, and the process of designing also parallels “traditional” research in interesting ways. Designers have a way of thinking and communicating that is different to traditional researchers, but which is equally robust when applied to its own kind of questions. This book series is based on the premise that the activity of designing constitutes a crucial mode of research specific to the design disciplines. It primarily aims to publish research embodied within the design of projects, their investigations and outcomes. Accompanying exegeses will contextualise the design research in relation to existing traditional research; these may be text-based, but may also encompass other modes of representation. RMIT University Press welcomes the submission of project-based design research undertaken through investigation, speculation, and scholarly reflection upon design research methodologies. Also welcome are essays and critiques addressing significant contemporary design practice and problematics, as well as emerging design strategies and practices. Dr Joseph Gelfer Editorial Manager RMIT Publishing, Level 9, 501 Swanston Street, Melbourne PO Box 12058, A'Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC 8006, Australia Tel: 03 9925 8249, Mob: 0409 350436, Fax: 03 9925 8134
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP