ROSS 2012

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isA Event
Acronym ROSS 2012
Title Reusing Open-Source Software Components
Start date 2012/06/25
End date 2012/06/25
... ...

ROSS is a workshop at federated event CompArch 2012

Open-Source reuse is becoming one of the major business models for many companies. There are different forms of reusing open-source, from reusing complete solutions to reusing open-source components that are integrated as parts of larger applications.

This workshop focuses on reusing open-source components. A combination of component-based approach and open-source can lead to a more effective and efficient development process; for example a development process using open-source components can be separated in a domain-specific development process, in which open-source components are adapted to the domain requirements, and an application process in which the domain-specific components are reused. On the other hand using open-source components introduces new challenges; for example uncontrolled change of components source code can lead to less efficient reusability.

This workshop aims for bringing researchers and industrial experts to present and discuss the issues related to reuse of open-source components from technical, process, organizational, legal, and business point of view. We are in particular interested in potentials for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The workshop will be organized as a combination of submitted papers presentations and open discussions.


We encourage submitting papers targeting the following topics (but not limited to them):

  • Open Source Component-based development process
  • Domain-engineering and application engineering process
  • Domain-specific components
  • Retrieving and assessing Open Source Components
  • Adaptation of Open Source Components
  • Component repositories and packaging technologies
  • Legal,organizational and business issues in reusing
 open-source components
  • Tools and methods for open source components
  • Industrial experience using open source components
  • Empirical studies in open source component-based engineering
  • Open source components utilization in large organizations, and in SMEs.


We invite long and short papers. Long papers must not exceed 8 pages and short papers must not exceed 4 pages, in the ACM format. In addition position papers can be submitted not exceeding 2 pages in the ACM format. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Papers must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. The long and short papers will be published in ACM Digital Library as parts of the workshop proceedings. For submission details see:

Important Dates
