RTAS Event-based Semantics 2008

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isA Event
Acronym RTAS Event-based Semantics 2008
Title RTAS Workshop on Event-based Semantics
Start date Apr 21, 2008
End date Apr 21, 2008
Homepage blackforest.stanford.edu/eventsemantics
... ...

The workshop will be held in conjunction with RTAS 2008 14th IEEE
Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
http://www.rtas.org/ part of Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWEEK)
http://www.cpsweek.org/ St. Louis MO, April 21-24, 2008

Feb 1, 2008    Deadline for position paper submissions
March 1, 2008   Notification
April 21, 2008    Workshop in St. Louis, MO


The theme of the workshop is Event-based semantics for embedded and critical
systems. There is a shift towards openness, distribution and federation for real
time, multi-scale, embedded and critical systems. All this still with a need for
certification, resulting in a major verification challenge. The notion of
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is adding new dimenions to these challenges.
Event-based semantics is a promising approach to support specification and
verification of such systems.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together people working on semantics and
people from the systems community. The idea is to stimulate discussion and
exchange of ideas leading to a better understanding of the rich spectrum of
notions of event and how they might be used in the design and development of
this new class of systems, as well as to serve as a basis for system analysis
and certification.

Possible topics for workshop presentations/discussion include (but are
not limited to)

+ How to tie the formal to the practical
  --   traceability of properties is important
+ Open verification technology
  -- what can be done automatically, online/offline
+ Formally based testing
+ Theories of event-based systems
+ Managing distributed knowledge/state
+ Challenge problems -- example areas
  -- CPS specific challenges
  -- Distributed sensor systems
  -- Scada systems (Electricity grid)
  -- Self-forming networks
  -- Secure location discovery

Author instructions:

  Page limit: 6 pages 11 or 12 pt.
  Content: papers describing new approaches, work in progress, and
    tutorial reviews of relevant technologies are welcome in addition
    to relevant technial papers.
Paper submission is via EasyChair at
Login as an author and look for a menu tab "New Submission", click on it. You
will see detailed instructions on how to submit.

Steering Committee:
Luca de Alfaro
Robert Constable (Cornell)
Helen Gill (NSF, sponser)
Joshua Guttman (Mitre)
Edward Lee (U. C. Berkeley)
Carolyn Talcott (SRI International, organizer)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP