RiMCET 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym RiMCET 2009
Title RiMCET: First International Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Rich Media Communications
Start date Jan 5, 2009
End date Jan 5, 2009
Homepage www.comsnets.org/RiMCET.htm
... ...

Important Dates

Paper registration September 30, 2008 at 11:59pm IST
Paper submission October 6, 2008 at 11:59pm IST
Notification of Acceptance November 17, 2008
Camera-Ready Submission December 8, 2008

IEEE and IEEE Communications Society Co-Sponsorship

The goal of this workshop is to focus on the emerging technologies across the spectrum which is defining novel and richer applications and services around rich media communications. Further it will provide a forum for researchers, architects and engineers, to share knowledge and innovations emerging in networking and service delivery architectures for driving next generation Rich media services. We solicit papers covering various topics of interest that include but are not limited to the following:
�?�	Emerging Device Architectures for supporting Rich Media
�?�	Networking Architectures for enabling Rich Media communications
�?�	P2P & Rich Media communications 
�?�	Rich Media Delivery Architectures
�?�	Emerging Tools & Technologies for Rich media creation and consumption 
�?�	Mobility issues in Rich Media sessions
�?�	Networking Middleware and Service Delivery Platforms for Rich Media Services
�?�	Novel Rich Media Applications
�?�	Social Networks and Rich Media Applications
�?�	Future Rich Media Experiences 
�?�	Emerging Business Models in Rich Media Communications

Papers should contain original material and not previously published, or currently submitted elsewhere. Submissions of full papers must be 6 pages including figures, tables, references, and any appendices.. Kindly refer to the COMSNETS paper submission guidelines at http://www.comsnets.org/paper_submission_guidelines.htm for further details.

Submission of Papers for RiMCET: http://comsnets09.ucsd.edu/rimcet

Organizing Committee
Suresh Chintada, Applied Research & Technology Center, Motorola,
Koustuv Dasgupta, IBM India Research Lab
R, Ramakrishnan, Applied Research & Technology Center, Motorola 

Technical Program Committee
Anand Eswaran			ProCurve Networking, HP
Archan Misra			IBM T J Watson Research Center
Christos Gkantsidis		Microsoft Resarch
Deepak Chandrasekharan	SanDisk India
Dipanjan Chakraborty		IBM India Research Lab
Jojo Joseph			IBM India Software Lab
George T. Kormentzas		Univ. Of Aegan, Greece
Khalid Al-Begain		Univ. Of Glamorgan, UK
Niklas Blum			Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
Ravindra Guntur		Motorola Research
Sachin Garg			Yahoo Research
Sanjeev Mehotra		Microsoft Resarch
Shrix Shrikant 			Samsung India 
Vijay Gopalakrishnan		AT&T Labs Research

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP