SAC-DM 2010

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isA Event
Acronym SAC-DM 2010
Title ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Special Track on Data Mining
Start date Mar 22, 2010
End date Mar 26, 2010
... ...

ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Special Track on Data Mining
Sierre, Switzerland
March 22-26, 2010

We are pleased to solicit original, unpublished and novel papers for publication and presentation in the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) Track on Data Mining. Articles describing novel ideas and applications in all areas of data mining are of interest. This year, emphasis and special considerations will be given to papers addressing issues in scientific data exploration and mining. 2010 ACM SAC Data
Mining Track will be held at Sierre, Switzerland from March 22-26, 2010.

ACM SAC Data Mining has a successful history of accepting quality papers and offering a stimulating platform for the exchange of ideas and dissiminating cutting edge research to the community. The 2010 ACM SAC Data Mining Track is the eighth such event in the 24 years of ACM SAC tradition. 

The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing is recognized as a primary forum for applied computer scientists and application developers from around the world to interact and present their work. SAC 2010 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) and is presented in cooperation with other ACM Special Interest Groups. For more information on ACM SAC 2010, please visit

All enquiries and questions should be directed to the Track Chairs. Additional details are available on the track home page at

Paper Submission and Publication:

Original and unpublished papers are solicited for this track. The file format should be either Post Script or PDF (PDF preferred). The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third person. This is to facilitate blind review. Only the title should be shown at the first page without the author's information. Papers must be formatted according to the
template which is available at the SAC 2010 website: 

Paper size is limited to 5 pages according to the above mentioned template, being allowed a maximum of 3 extra pages at the additional cost of 80 USD per extra page. A few key words should be provided. A paper cannot be sent to more than one track. Original manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format through the eCMS web site: 

All papers will be fully refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three referees. The conference proceedings will be published by ACM.

Poster Publication of Selected Papers:

A set of selected papers will be accepted as poster papers by invitation only and will be published as short papers in the symposium proceedings. 

Paper Submission Deadlines:

Submission of papers by authors: September 8, 2009  
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: October 19, 2009 
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: November 2, 2009  

Track Co-Chairs:

Hasan Jamil 
Department of Computer Science 
Wayne State University 
Email: jamil[at]

Chandan Reddy
Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
E-mail: reddy[at]

Osmar Zaiane 
Department of Computer Science 
University of Alberta 
E-mail: zaiane[at]

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