SAGT 2015
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | SAGT 2015 |
Title | 8th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory |
Start date | 2015/09/28 |
End date | 2015/09/30 |
Homepage | |
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Foundational work is solicited on topics including but not limited to:
Solution Concepts in Game Theory
Efficiency of Equilibria and Price of Anarchy
Complexity Classes in Game Theory
Computational Aspects of Equilibria
Computational Aspects of Fixed-Point Theorems
Repeated Games and Convergence of Dynamics
Evolution and Learning in Games
Coalitions, Coordination and Collective Action
Reputation, Recommendation and Trust Systems
Network Games and Graph-Theoretic Aspects of Social Networks
Cost-Sharing Algorithms and Analysis
Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Computing with Incentives
Computational Social Choice
Decision Theory, and Pricing
Auction Algorithms and Analysis
Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing
Internet Economics and Computational Advertising
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Friday, May 1, 2015, 23:59 GMT
Notification: Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Camera ready: Sunday, July 12, 2015
Symposium: September 28-30, 2015 (Saarbrücken, Germany)
Program Committee
Elliot Anshelevich, RPI
Felix Brandt, TU Munich
Edith Elkind, Oxford University
Angelo Fanelli, CNRS
Felix Fischer, University of Cambridge
Dimitris Fotakis, NTU Athens
Nick Gravin, Microsoft Research New England
Monika Henzinger, University of Vienna
Martin Hoefer, MPII / Saarland University (chair)
Max Klimm, TU Berlin
Jochen Könemann, University of Waterloo
Piotr Krysta, University of Liverpool
Yishay Mansour, Tel Aviv University
Vahab Mirrokni, Google Research
Peter Bro Miltersen, Aarhus University
Herve Moulin, University of Glasgow
Rahul Savani, University of Liverpool
Guido Schäfer, CWI
Alexander Skopalik, Paderborn University
Vijay Vazirani, Georgia Tech
Steering Committee
Elias Koutsoupias, University of Oxford
Marios Mavronicolas, University of Cyprus
Dov Monderer, Technion
Burkhard Monien, Paderborn University
Christos Papadimitriou, UC Berkeley
Giuseppe Persiano, University of Salerno
Paul Spirakis, University of Liverpool (chair)
Organizing Team
Christina Fries, MPI for Informatics
Martin Hoefer, MPI for Informatics (chair)
Bojana Kodric, MPI for Informatics
Paresh Nakhe, MPI for Informatics
Sabine Nermerich, Cluster of Excellence MMCI
Roxane Wetzel, MPI for Informatics