SANER 2018
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | SANER 2018 |
Title | 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering |
Start date | 2018/03/20 |
End date | 2018/03/23 |
Homepage | |
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SANER 2018 - 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, Campobasso, Italy, March 20-23, 2018.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: October 20, 2017 AoE
- Paper submission deadline: October 27, 2017 AoE
- Notifications: December 17, 2017
- Camera Ready: January 15, 2018
- Submission Page:
The topics of the submissions should be of direct interest to the software analysis, evolution, and reengineering community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Software Analysis, Parsing, and Fact Extraction
- Software Reverse Engineering and Reengineering
- Program Comprehension
- Software Evolution Analysis
- Software Architecture Recovery and Reverse Architecting
- Program Transformation and Refactoring
- Mining Software Repositories and Software Analytics
- Software Visualization
- Software Reconstruction and Migration
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Program Repair
- Software Release Engineering, Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Education related to all of the above topics
- Legal aspects
- Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden): Towards a New Digital Business Operating System
- Elmar Jurgens, CQSE GmbH (Germany): A Decade of Software Quality Analysis in Practice: Surprises, Anecdotes and Lessons Learned
- Peter Gromov, JetBrains (Germany): Compilers are Sprinters; IDEs are Marathoners
- IWBOSE 2018
- IWSC 2018
- MAINT 2018
- MaLTeSQuE 2018
- VST 2018
General Chair
- Rocco Oliveto, University of Molise, Italy
Program co-Chairs
- Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy
- David C. Shepherd, ABB Corporate Research, USA
ERA Track co-Chairs
- Jens Krinke, University College London, UK
- Shane McIntosh, McGill University, Canada
Tool Demo Track co-Chairs
- Mario Linares Vasquez, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
- Luca Ponzanelli, Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Industrial Track co-Chairs
- Dongmei Zhang, Microsoft Research, China
- Neha Rungta, Amazon Web Services, USA
REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results (RENE) Track co-Chairs
- Denys Poshyvanyk, The College of William and Mary, USA
- Neil Ernst, University of Victoria, Canada
Journal First Chair
- Julia Rubin, University of British Columbia, Canada
Workshop Chair
- Takashi Kobayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
MIP Award Chair
- Ahmed Hassan, Queen's University, Canada
Finance chair
- Damian Tamburri, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Proceedings Chair
- Fausto Fasano, University of Molise, Italy
Publicity and Social Media
- Damian Andrew Tamburri (Chair), Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
- Fabio Palomba, TU Delft, The Netherlands
- Michele Tufano, The College of William and Mary, USA
- Salvatore Geremia, University of Molise, Italy
- Fiorella Zampetti, University of Sannio, Italy
Local Arrangement co-Chairs
- Gabriele Bavota, Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
- Simone Scalabrino, University of Molise, Italy
- Gianni Carugno, University of Molise, Italy
Web Master
- Angelo Parziale, University of Molise, Italy
Program Committee - Research Track
- Massimiliano Di Penta (co-Chair), University of Sannio, Italy
- David C. Shepherd (co-Chair), ABB Corporate Research, USA