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isA Event
Acronym SIGHAN 2008
Title The Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
Start date Jan 11, 2008
End date Jan 12, 2008
... ...

SIGHAN-6 Call for Papers

Background and Goals
Growing interest in Chinese language processing is leading to the development of resources such as annotated corpora, word segmenters, part-of-speech taggers, and parsers. As more resources have become available recently, it is crucial to create a platform that allows easy exchange of information and data and the comparison of different approaches to various NLP tasks. The SIGHAN workshops provide a forum where the latest research in these areas can be shared.

This series of workshop is organized under the auspices of the Special Interest Group on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN) under the Association for Computational Linguistics. SIGHAN was established in 2001 to realize and promote the widespread interest in Chinese language processing.

Following the success of previous SIGHAN workshops, IJCNLP-08 in Hyderabad will provide yet another ideal opportunity to bring together again influential as well as aspiring researchers from Asia Pacific, and those from many others from Europe and USA, to deliberate and interact on a range of research issues.

Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research on all aspects of Chinese language processing, including but not limited to:

    * word segmentation
    * part-of-speech tagging
    * parsing
    * lexical semantics
    * word sense disambiguation
    * lexicon acquisition
    * corpus development
    * discourse processing
    * generation
    * cross-lingual information retrieval
    * machine translation

SIGHAN has also featured its International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoffs, which attracted many research teams from all over the world to submit their word segmentation systems and named entity recognition systems for evaluation in the shared tasks, thus benchmarking for the two areas in the Chinese language processing community. The 4th bakeoff will be co-organised by SIGHAN, the Verifying Center on Chinese Language and Character Standards of the State Language Commission of PRC, and the ChineseLDC. Results from the bakeoff will be presented on the second half-day of the SIGHAN-6 Workshop. More information will follow in due course.

Submission Method

Papers should be written in English and may not exceed 8 pages (including all illustrations, references and appendices, and using 11pt for the main text). We strongly recommend the use of the LaTeX style files or MS Word document template provided by IJCNLP 2008, available at Since reviewing
will be blind, manuscripts should not include authors' names and affiliations. Papers should be submitted via our SIGHAN-6 electronic submission site.

Important Dates

    Paper Submission Deadline: 	Sep 21, 2007
    Notification of Paper Acceptance: 	Oct 26, 2007
    Camera Ready Submission Deadline: 	Nov 16, 2007
    Workshop Dates: 	Jan 11-12, 2008
    (full day on Jan 11, 2008 and
    half day on Jan 12, 2008)

Program Committee

    Olivia Kwong

    City University of Hong Kong

    Haizhou Li

    Institute for Infocomm Research

    Keh-Jiann Chen

    Academia Sinica

    Minghui Dong

    Institute for Infocomm Research

    Jianfeng Gao


    Chu-Ren Huang

    Academia Sinica

    Xuanjing Huang

    Fudan University

    Donghong Ji

    Institute for Infocomm Research

    Daniel Jurafsky

    Stanford University

    Chunyu Kit

    City University of Hong Kong

    Kui-Lam Kwok

    Queens College, CUNY

    Gina-Anne Levow

    University of Chicago

    Dekang Lin


    Qun Liu

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Qin Lu

    Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Qing Ma

    Ryukoku University

    Jianyun Nie

    University of Montreal

    Hwee Tou Ng

    National University of Singapore

    Martha Palmer

    University of Colorado

    Scott Piao

    University of Manchester

    Richard Sproat

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Keh-Yih Su

    Behavior Design Corporation

    Maosong Sun

    Tsinghua University

    Bing Swen

    Peking University
    Benjamin Tsou 	City University of Hong Kong

    Haifeng Wang

    Toshiba (China) R&D Center

    Kam-Fai Wong

    Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Dekai Wu

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Yujie Zhang

    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology of Japan

    Jun Zhao

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Tiejun Zhao

    Harbin Institute of Technology

    Ming Zhou

    Microsoft Research Asia

    Jingbo Zhu

    Northeastern University


For enquiries about the workshop, please contact the workshop co-chair Dr Olivia Kwong at

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