SKG 2008
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Name | Value |
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Acronym | SKG 2008 |
Title | International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid |
Start date | Dec 4, 2008 |
End date | Dec 5, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid 2008 December 4-5, 2008, Beijing, China SKG is a cross-area international forum on semantic computing, knowledge networking, and grid computing. It promotes cross-area research and pushes the development of relevant areas. Themes include but not limited to the following: (1) Web Semantics and Semantic Grid ?Semantic Web ?Semantic Search and Query ?Semantic Link Network ?Semantic Normalization ?Semantic Interoperability ?Semantic Visualization and modeling ?Semantic Web Mining ?Semantic Brokering ?Semantic-based Interface ?Automatic Semantic Annotation ?Semantic Web Services ?Theory and Model of Semantic Grid ?Ontology ?Web2.0 ?Semantic P2P ?Rich Media Semantics (2) Knowledge Web and Knowledge Grid ?Web knowledge representation and Reasoning ?Semantic Knowledge Portal ?Web Knowledge Discovery ?Knowledge Discovery ?Theory and Model of Knowledge Grid ?Large-Scale Distributed Knowledge Management ?Ontology Information/Knowledge/Service Integration ?Knowledge Flow ?Internet-based Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (3) Advanced Networking Model ?Resource Management Model in Grid ?Internet-based Multi-agent Systems ?Nature-Inspired Computing ? Autonomous Computing ?Internet-based Intelligent Applications ?P2P Computing ?Grid Computing ?Self-Organized Intelligence ?Service-oriented Computing ?Mobile Grid ?Social Network ?Community Discovery (4) Systems, Tools and Applications ?Semantic-based Virtual Organizations ?e-culture ?e-Science ?e-Business ?e-Learning ?e-Government ?Grid Security ?Sensor networks and Grid applications (5) e-Culture or e-HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) ?Applications in Humanities ?Applications in Arts ?Applications in Social Sciences (6) Web Science Important Dates: Submission: July 15, 2008 Notification: August 30, 2008 Camera ready: September 20, 2008 Conference Co-Chairs: Tharam Dillon, Australia Geoffrey C. Fox, USA P.M.A. Sloot, Netherlands Program Co-Chairs: Qing Li, HK SAR China Katsumi Tanaka, Japan Hai Zhuge, China Program Vice Chair: Xiaoping Sun, China Keynote Speaker: Jim Hendler, USA Publication: Proceedings of SKG2008 will be published by IEEE Press. Selected high-quality papers will be recommended for publication in the following SCI-indexed international journals after extension: Future Generation Computer System (FGCS), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), International Journal of Semantic Web and Information System (IJSWIS).
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP