SLTC 2008

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isA Event
Acronym SLTC 2008
Title Swedish Language Technology Conference
Start date Nov 20, 2008
End date Nov 21, 2008
... ...

The Second Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-08) 
November 20-21, 2008 
The Second Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-08) will be held in 
Stockholm, November 20-21, 2008, organized by the Human Language Technology 
Center at KTH and Uppsala University, with support from the Swedish Graduate School 
of Language Technology (GSLT). The program committee invites two types of 
contributions to the conference: 
1. Papers (Deadline: September 15, 2008) 
2. Workshops (Deadline: June 1, 2008) 
CONTENT: Papers are invited on all aspects of language technology, including natural 
language processing, speech technology and relevant neighboring areas. Papers can 
describe completed or ongoing research, as well as practical applications of language 
technology, and may be combined with system demonstrations.  
FORMAT: Papers will be presented at the conference either as posters or as oral 
presentations and will be published only as abstracts. 
SUBMISSION: Papers should be submitted as abstracts (max 2 pages) using the style 
files available on the conference website ( 
Submissions should be sent by e-mail to The paper should be 
included as an attachment in pdf-format, and the e-mail message should contain the 
following information: 
1. Title of the paper 
2. Full list of authors 
3. Preferred mode of presentation (poster or oral) 
4. Any plans for demonstration in connection with the paper 
DEADLINE: The deadline for submission is September 15, 2008. 
REVIEW: Papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Authors will be notified 
October 10, 2008. 
CONTENT: Workshops are invited on any theme relevant for language technology, 
including its scientific foundations as well as its practical applications.  
FORMAT: Workshops will be devoted up to two hours of the conference program, 
possibly in parallel with other activities. The exact format is decided by the workshop 
SUBMISSION: Workshop proposals should be submitted by e-mail to The e-mail message should contain the following information: 
1. Name of the workshop 
2. Full list of organizers 
3. Short description of the workshop theme and intended audience 
4. Short description of the workshop organization  
   - Will there be a call for papers or only invited presentations? 
   - Will there be regular talks, posters, panels, discussions, or what? 
   - Will there be published proceedings? 
5. Duration of the workshop (normally 1 or 2 hours) 
DEADLINE: The deadline for submission is June 1, 2008. 
REVIEW: Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the program committee.  
Proposers will be notified June 10, 2008. 
Rolf Carlson, KTH 
Björn Granström, KTH 
Viggo Kann, KTH 
Beata Megyesi, Uppsala University 
Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University 
Anna Sågvall Hein, Uppsala University 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP