SOAPL 2008

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isA Event
Acronym SOAPL 2008
Title Service-Oriented Architectures and Software Product Lines - Putting Both Together
Start date 2008/09/08
End date 2008/09/08
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Robert Krut & Sholom Cohen. Workshop on Service-Oriented Architectures and Software Product Lines - Putting Both Together (SOAPL 2008)

Peter Dolog & Michael Schafer. Feature Based Design of Web Service Transaction Compensations

Jörg Bartholdt; Bernd Franke; Christa Schwanninger; & Michael Stal. Combining Product Line Engineering and Service Oriented Architecture in Health Care Infrastructure Systems: Experience Report

J. Jeffrey Rusk & Dragan Gasevic. Semantic Web Services-based Reasoning in the Design of Software Product Lines

Sebastian Günther & Thorsten Berger. Service-Oriented Product Lines: A Development Process and Feature Management Model for Web Services

Mathieu Acher; Philippe Collet; Philippe Lahire; & Johan Montagnat. Imaging Services on the Grid as a Product Line: Requirements and Architecture

Nicola Boffoli; Danilo Caivano; Daniela Castelluccia; Fabrizio Maria Maggi; & Giuseppe Visaggio. Business Process Lines for SOA Development through the Software Product Lines Paradigm


Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and software product line (SPL) approaches to software development share a common goal. They both encourage an organization to reuse existing assets and capabilities rather than repeatedly redeveloping them for new systems. The intent is that organizations can capitalize on reuse to achieve desired benefits such as productivity gains, decreased development costs, improved time to market, higher reliability, and competitive advantage. Their distinct goals may be stated as:

  • SOA: "enable assembly, orchestration and maintenance of enterprise solutions to quickly react to changing business requirements" [Wienands]
  • SPL: systematically capture and exploit commonality among a set of related systems while managing variations for specific customers or market segments

This workshop will build on results of the SOAPL 2007 workshop: Service-Oriented Architectures and Product Lines - What is the Connection? and the workshop report [Cohen & Krut]. This year's workshop, SOAPL 2008, will explore experiences in integrating SOA and SPL, specifically:

  1. How web services have been used to support product lines using a service-oriented architecture?
  2. How product line practices have been used to support web services and service-oriented architectures?

Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Practice areas that span both SOA and product lines (e.g., domain analysis, legacy mining, operations/governance, etc.)
  • Handling variability through services
  • Cost models to justify investment in SOA for product lines
  • Use of support technology such as: domain specific languages, tools, other
  • Differences between service-oriented and more conventional product line development approaches
  • Architectural approaches: static vs. dynamic


Participants in the SOAPL 2008 will include product line and service-oriented practitioners who have experience in integrating service-oriented architectures and software product lines approaches. These include practitioners in product line engineering, product line management, and architects/developers of SOA-based systems.


The workshop will be highly interactive and focus on making tangible progress towards answering the two questions relating to results in integrating SOA and product line practices. The morning session will feature invited speakers and selected presentations based on position papers. Participants will be assigned to groups that reflect specific topics. After the workshop, the leader of each working group will be asked to write a summary of the working group's discussion and (especially) its conclusions.

Submission Instructions

Prospective participants are required to submit a 3-6 page position paper or experience report pertaining to the workshop topics listed above or describing the software architecture or other artifacts of a SOA-based product line.

All submissions will be reviewed by members of the program committee for quality and relevance. Accepted papers will become part of the workshop proceedings. Three or four papers will be chosen to be presented during the workshop to foment discussion. Submit your paper in PDF form to or by July 1, 2008. Notifications of paper or experience report acceptance will be sent by July 15, 2008. The camera-ready version of accepted papers is due July 31, 2008.

Workshop Organizers

   * Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   * Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
   * Andreas Helferich, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
   * Robert Krut, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   * Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University, UK
   * Grace Lewis, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   * Tomi Männistö, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
   * Curt Pederson, American Family Insurance, USA
   * Dennis Smith, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   * Christoph Wienands, Siemens Corporate Research, USA