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Acronym | SOFSEM 2009 |
Title | Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science |
Start date | 2009/01/24 |
End date | 2009/01/30 |
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SOFSEM 2009: 35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS January 24-30, 2009 Hotel Arnika, Spindleruv mlyn, Czech Republic [This information is being posted to multiple lists - we apologise if you get it several times. Please, pass the information to whom it may benefit. Thank You for understanding and cooperation. The organizers.] IMPORTANT DATES * Abstract Submission: August 17, 2008 * Paper Submission: August 24, 2008 * Notification: October 6, 2008 * Camera-Ready Papers: October 20, 2008 * Conference: January 24-30, 2009 An extended pdf version of this call can be found at SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is the annual, international conference devoted to the theory and practice of computer science. Its aim is to foster cooperation among professionals from academia and industry working in all modern areas of computer science. SOFSEM 2009 Program Committee Chair: Mogens Nielsen, Aarhus, Denmark. INVITED SPEAKERS The invited speakers for SOFSEM will include: * Christian Attiogbe (University of Nantes, France) * Christel Baier (University of Bonn, Germany) * Nicole Immorlica (Northwestern University, USA) * Radovan Janecek (BTO, HP Software) * Marcin Jurdzinski (University of Warwick, UK) * Giuseppe Longo (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France) * David Parkes (Harvard University, USA) CONFERENCE TRACKS For the SOFSEM 2009 the following 4 tracks have been chosen: * Foundations of Computer Science Chair: Catuscia Palamidessi (Paris, France) Co-chair: Frank Valencia (Paris, France) * Theory and Practice of Software Services Chair: Petr Tuma, Prague, Czech Republic * Game Theoretic Aspects of ecommerce Chair: Peter Bro Miltersen (Aarhus, Denmark) * Techniques and Tools for Formal Verification Chair: Antonin Kucera (Brno, Czech Republic) Moreover, for students, there is the * Student Research Forum Chair: Maria Bielikova (Bratislava, Slovakia) Details on each track and the Forum can be found on the conference web site. PROCEEDINGS Following the tradition of SOFSEM, the proceedings from SOFSEM 2009, including invited and contributed papers, will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series by Springer-Verlag. Papers from the Student Research Forum will be published in local proceedings. Both proceedings will be distributed at the conference. LOCATION The venue of Sofsem 2009 will be OREA Hotel ARNIKA, Spindleruv mlyn, Czech Republic. See for further details. ******************************** TRACK TOPICS FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE * algorithms and data structures including sequential, parallel, distributed, approximation, and number-theoretic algorithms * automata theory and languages * complexity theory, both computational and structural * foundations of security * concurrency theory * quantitative aspects of computing * discrete mathematics related to computer science * grammars and formal models * program semantics, logic, and verification THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SOFTWARE SERVICES * software engineering of service oriented systems * formal methods for service oriented architectures * service ontologies, semantic service description * process modeling for service architectures * service orchestration and coordination * quality of service * service negotiation and SLA * service discovery and management * support for dynamic binding of services * platform specific services (web services, ESB, GRID, MANET, etc.) * middleware for service oriented architectures * security and trust issues in services * business models for service architectures * emerging service standards (W3C, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, etc.) * experience reports GAME THEORETIC ASPECTS OF E-COMMERCE * automated and algorithmic mechanism design, * computational pricing, * auction theory geared towards e*commerce, such as auctions for digital goods, sponsored search auctions and combinatorial auctions * game theoretic aspects of trading agent systems * game theoretic aspects of networks and network formation * game theoretic aspects of cryptographic protocols TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS FOR FORMAL VERIFICATION * formal models (process calculi, Petri nets, timed automata, message sequence charts, hybrid systems, domain theoretic models, probabilistic systems, etc.) * specification languages (temporal logics, semantic equivalences and preorders, etc.) * verification techniques (model checking, equivalence checking, abstract interpretation, race detection, static analysis, testing and run time analysis, theorem proving, true concurrency techniques, symbolic representation techniques, etc.) * software tools for automatic analysis, verification, and validation of computer systems (including case studies)
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP