SPIN 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym SPIN 2009
Title SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software
Start date Jun 26, 2009
End date Jun 29, 2009
Homepage ti.arc.nasa.gov/event/spin09
... ...

The SPIN workshop is a forum for practitioners and researchers interested in the model checking-based analysis of software systems. The focus of the workshop is on theoretical advances and empirical evaluations related to state-space and path exploration techniques, as implemented in the SPIN model checker and other software verification tools. The workshop aims to encourage interactions and exchanges of ideas with all related areas in software engineering. For more information see the call for papers.

SPIN 2009 is the 16th event in the workshop series. The proceedings will appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Invited Speakers

Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, USA
Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University, UK
Joseph Sifakis (Turing Award 2007), VERIMAG, France
Willem Visser, SEVEN Networks, USA

Important Dates

Paper submission: March 9, 2009
Notification of acceptance: April 10, 2009
Final papers due: April 17, 2009
Workshop: June 26-28 Friday -- Sunday, 2009


The link for submissions is:

SPIN 2009 will be held at Europole, in Grenoble, France, and it will be co-located with CAV 2009. Registration and accommodation will be arranged through the CAV 2009 web-site.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP