TERA 2008

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isA Event
Acronym TERA 2008
Title International Workshop : THz Radiation: Basic Research and Applications
Start date Oct 2, 2008
End date Oct 4, 2008
Homepage tera2008.kture.kharkov.ua
... ...

The International Workshop "THz Radiation: Basic Research and Applications (TERA2008) will be held in Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, from October 2 to October 4, 2008. TERA2008 will provide a forum for experts in a wide area of laser physics and optoelectronics.
    Terahertz is unique in its ability to transmit through nearly any material without causing biological harm. This will allow scanning for weapons, detecting hidden explosives, pinpointing the location of skin cancer during surgery, and a host of other exciting applications. The workshop will cover frontiers in terahertz physics and applications. Its characteristic feature is a stronger emphasis on the mathematical and physical aspects of the researches, together with a detail analysis of the application problems. The technical program consists of invited lectures and regular contributed papers.
    Previous meetings have confirmed our expectations. They have shown the necessity of holding the annual forum and growth of participant number. CAOL gives an opportunity to gather experts from the FSU and neighboring countries of the East and South Europe, Asia, and other.


    * THz sources and detectors
    * Terahertz quantum cascade lasers
    * THz waveguiding
    * Novel devices for THz applications
    * THz imaging systems
    * Remote THz sensing
    * Material properties at THz frequencies
    * Novel materials for THz applications
    * Applications in Biology and Pharmaceutical
    * Medical Technology

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