TPDL 2020

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isA Event
Acronym TPDL 2020
Title 24th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
Start date 2020/08/25
End date 2020/08/28
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Digital libraries and repositories store, manage, represent and disseminate rich and heterogeneous data that are often of enormous cultural, scientific, educational, artistic, and social value. Serving as digital ecosystems for empowering researchers and practitioners they provide unparalleled opportunities for novel knowledge extraction and discovery. New applications rise novel challenges that can only be addressed in an interdisciplinary community of researchers and practioners from various disciplines such as Digital Humanities, Information Sciences and others. TPDL 2020 attempts to facilitate establishing connections and convergences between these communities that could benefit from (and contribute to) the ecosystems offered by digital libraries and repositories. To become especially useful to the diverse research and practitioner communities, digital libraries need to consider special needs and requirements for effective data utilization, management and exploitation.

Following the previous TPDL editions, TPDL 2020 invites submissions for scientific and research work in the following categories: Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters and Demonstrations, Workshops and Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium submissions.


Contributions, either theoretical or applied, are welcome in all fields related to Digital Libraries. Below is given a (non-exhaustive) list of potential topics:

  • Information Retrieval and Access
  • Knowledge Discovery in Digital Libraries
  • Document (Text) Analysis
  • Services for Digital Arts and Humanities
  • GLAM Data for Digital Arts and Humanities
  • Research Data Management
  • Data Repositories and Archives
  • Web Archives
  • Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data for DLs
  • Standards and Interoperability
  • Digital Preservation and Curation
  • Data and Information Lifecycle (creation, store, share and reuse)
  • Linked Data
  • Open Data and Knowledge
  • Scholarly Communication
  • Citation Analysis and Scientometrics
  • Cultural Heritage Access and Analysis
  • Digital History
  • Data and Metadata Quality
  • Digital Service Infrastructures
  • Research Infrastructures
  • User Participation
  • User Interface and Experience
  • Information interaction and seeking behavior in digital libraries
  • User studies for digital library development
  • Sustainability of digital libraries
  • Legal Issues
  • Emerging New Challenges and Opportunities
  • Applications of Digital Libraries
  • Collection Development and Discovery


Proposals are welcome in the following categories:

  • Full papers presenting original work (14 pages incl. references, LNCS format)
  • Short papers presenting original work (8 pages incl. references, LNCS format)
  • Posters and Demos (4 pages incl. references, LNCS format)
  • Panels (1 page, short informal description)
  • Tutorials and Hands-on sessions (1 page, short informal description)
  • Doctoral Consortium papers – check the dedicated DC page
  • Workshops – check the dedicated Workshops page

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, ISSN 0302-9743) series.

Paper, poster and demo submissions have to be in English and submitted as a PDF file following the author instructions via the conference’s submission page:

Submissions must not be published or under consideration for publication in a journal or in a conference with proceedings.

Submissions will be evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity.

Inclusion of papers in the program proceedings is conditional upon registration of at least one author per paper.

Full and short papers have an allocated time in the conference program, posters and demos have a slot in a one-minute madness session plus a presentation during a dedicated Posters and Demos session.


A Best Paper award will be designated by the Program Committee, and the Best Poster will be elected by the conference participants.

A selection of the best papers will be invited for publication in International Journal of Digital Libraries (IJDL, Springer, ISSN 1432-5012). Authors considered for the special issue will be required to submit extended versions (at least 30% new material) of their papers that expand upon the description of their work by providing depth and detail on their technical approaches and results. Please note that it is expected that the page length of a regular paper be between 10-30 pages. These submissions would then go through the IJDL review process before acceptance.

Important Dates

  • Papers submission: April 3, 2020
  • Posters and Demos submission: April 3, 2020
  • Tutorial or Hands-on proposals submission: April 15, 2020
  • Notification of decisions: May 15, 2020
  • Camera-ready submission: June 5, 2020
  • Conference in Lyon, France: August 25-28, 2020

Author instructions

All paper, poster and demo submissions have to be in English and submitted as a PDF file. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.

In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.

Note that the paper size limit must be respected. Camera-ready papers that do not comply to the page limit when formatted using the LNCS style may be rejected.